National Hispanic Recognition Program

<p>i’m half hispanic/half white so i checked multiracial/other or something like that i think…am i totally screwed now? haha</p>

<p>^probably :(</p>

I see that you are a current jr, so you still have plenty of time to be considered for NHRP. You need to have your HS GC contact NHRP:</p>

<p>[National</a> Hispanic Recognition Program (NHRP)](<a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>Scholarships and Recognition with PSAT/NMSQT - SAT Suite)</p>





<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>You’re welcome, good luck!</p>

<p>Hey, does anyone know what the cut-off score for Florida was in 2009?

<p>Does anyone know cutoff score for Wisconsin for 2009?</p>

<p>Just got notified by the College Board NHRP person that someone posted to email and Wisconsin was 193!</p>

<p>The following is a summation of the various threads reporting NHRP state cutoffs. </p>

<p>Note: if score is reported as an exact number, then it comes from calling NHRP, if it is shown as ‘ca.’ a score, then it comes from someone who qualified for NHRP with that PSAT score. If anyone has additions to this list, please PM me the state, score and whether it is the actual cutoff or a PSAT score that qualified, I will then update this list so that we have all the data in one post.</p>

<p>Class of 2005
NY: 186</p>

<p>Class of 2006
CA: ca.187
FL: 195
MD: 178
TX: ca.190something
WA: ca.189</p>

<p>Class of 2007
CA: ca.211
FL: 195
MA: ca.206
NY: ca.204
OK: 181
PA: ca. 209
TX: 181
VA: 195</p>

<p>Class of 2008
NM: 181
TN: 193</p>

<p>Class of 2009
CT: ca.199
FL: ca.198
IL: 193
LA: ca.201
MA: 184
MD: ca.191
PA: ca.191
TN: 193
TX: 182
WA: 184</p>

<p>Class of 2010
CA: 183
FL: 193
ID: 184
TX: ca.196
WI: 193</p>

<p>Scores generally change at most 1-2 points between years. I will start a new thread for cutoff scores for the Class of 2011 next month when GCs begin to be notified of students that qualify based on PSAT scores.</p>

<p>Hi all! Just got confirmation from the NHRP office. The cutoff for TN and FL for 2011 is 193. Our son just missed it by 2 points… :frowning: He really had a bad day, because he turned around and scored a 2050 in the SAT and a 30 in the ACT. Oh well, such is life… We will look for funds in other places…</p>

<p>Good luck everybody! Be well</p>

<p>So sorry to hear that lapagan, but on the positive side, it’s great that his scores on the critical tests went up!</p>

<p>Everybody, I have started a new thread for reporting NHRP Class of 2011 state cutoffs.</p>

<p>lapagan, and others: Ds made even huger gains on his second SAT so it might be worth it to take again. His first SAT was a 2090, and we wanted to get past the 2100 threshold. On retake, his superscore was over 2200. I think that helped with his admission results.</p>

<p>S is working on it. He really doesn’t like the SAT format and loves how the ACT goes. He took the ACT again in April and we are waiting for the results. In Auburn we found an amazing program for minorities in engineering and if he scores 33 in the ACT ann the scholarshipr that they offer he will have about the same NHRP package. He is aiming for that one! of course if would have won the NHRP designation that would have been money on his pocket… :-)</p>

<p>If a student’s GPA is above 3.0, but less than 3.5, does their name still appear on the list that NHRP sends to colleges? Son’s school doesn’t weight and has a very unusual grading system, so I’m afraid he might not make the 3.5 cut off.</p>

<p>I thought the confusion was in some posts on pages 2-3, but I just reread itsv’s post on page 1 about honorable mention (gpa between 3.0-3.5). She is a very reliable poster, but the NHRP website only mentions the 3.0 cutoff, so I will give them a call early next week to see what the current situation is. Thanks for your patience!</p>

<p>Thank you entomom. I have seen the reference to 3.0 and honorable mention on other threads too. It seems a little unfair since high schools have such vastly different grading systems and varying strengths of schedule. I can’t thank you enough for all the great info you have provided for hispanic parents and students!</p>

<p>Talked to the CB this morning, here is the official word:</p>

<p>Honorable Mention: gpa 3.0 - 3.49
Scholar: gpa 3.5 and above</p>

<p>Only Scholar names are given on the list that is sent to colleges.</p>

<p>I am pretty sure they don’t worry about weighted and unweighted which also seems unfair but saved my S who had a 3.48 unweighted and a 3.8 weighted. The College Board asks the GC to provide the GPA, hispanic heritage (which is actually self certified by student) and, I believe, no major disciplinary actions. Make sure your GC uses the weighted GPA if your school calculates this…our schools do not calculate unweighted so our GC didn’t have to make a choice.</p>

<p>Thank you both for the helpful information. Now I’ll have to get in touch with the GC to see how she is going to handle filling out the form which should arrive in a week or so (mid-May). My son has worked so hard and I would hate to see him lose out on NHS because of his hard schedule and out of the ordinary grading system.</p>

<p>^Yes, do explain to the GC how NHRP works and see if they’re willing to weight for difficult classes, particularly Honors and APs. </p>

<p>Can you explain to us how the grading system works? Maybe someone here would have a suggestion on how your HS could calculate it to be equivalent to other more common grading systems and your GC could present both to NHRP.</p>