National Hispanic Scholar NHRP Class of 2019

@Centrist - Nope not yet - one of the forum members is work on it

Has anyone received the certificate in NJ yet?

@nhpm510: thanks. I appreciate it.

Has anyone in the North East received their certificate?

Not yet in New York but I called and was told it was sent to DD.

it shipped bulk mail/non-profit rate, which is akin to slightly faster than walking it from MN to your house due to volume handled by the post offices in NE US. (no offense to any NALC members)

Nothing yet in NY. Couldn’t take it anymore so I called in and found out she got it!

Large white Manila envelop received in today’s mail at our Indiana address from the College Board with certificate that son was awarded the National Hispanic Recognition along with a letter that says that his high school would receive notification. Letter urged him to include this recognition in his college applications,

Finally got certificate in mail today in northern NJ!!!

Anyone hear anything from Chicago??

Havent heard anything (from Chicago) :confused:

Just received it today in Greater Chicago area.

Certificate received today in SW FL

Nada en Boston.

Received in NYC.

My son received a call from the University of Nebraska Lincoln congratulating him on receiving National Hispanic Recognition Scholar (they called it finalist) and recommending he apply to the University as he would be eligible for the Chancellor’s scholarship which covers the cost of tuition and $2000 stipend as long as he received a 28 or above on the ACT.

Received in Boston today, a mere 12 days after it was sent…

Just received in Chicago!!

Still nothing in Michigan. ?

Rcd in greater Cleveland.