National Hispanic Scholar NHRP Class of 2019

FYI- look up and and Hispanic Scholar- they offer big $. #payitforward

Finally received in New York!

Finally received in Connecticut!

Got ours Monday, 9/24 in Central FL.

Got his today, Miami Fl.

so… if this recognition helps your child, please post!

I am the parent of a 2014 NHRP scholar and now a 2019 scholar.

This recognition can really help your student. My older daughter graduated with honors in May from the University of Nebraska. She received the Chancellors Scholarship, four years full tuition and some stipend money plus some money for being in the honors college. Five years ago she thought she had decided on a college and then the NHS recognition came and we started to recalculate. She went back to her original list of what she was looking for in a college and we decided to visit Nebraska. It was a perfect fit and the best decision she has ever made.

I would strongly encourage parents to look at some of the schools offering scholarships to these students. Aside from the fact that her education was almost free, she benefited mentally from being a student who was recruited by the University. She took on leadership roles and participated in campus life more that she might have otherwise and is a more confident working adult because of this experience.

Congratulations to all the scholars, this is something to be proud of!

After receiving this recognition this year, my son immediately went back to talking about the University of Kentucky and the scholarship offering for National Hispanic recognition. I will be thrilled to see his applications go in and to see where he finally ends up choosing.


Go Cats!


All received the letter today in Northeast NJ. Thank you all for the info and education on this topic.

Received information in the mail today from another great NHRP school scholarship:

New Mexico State

Conroy Achievement Scholarship

Designated a National Merit Semi-finalist or National Achievement Scholar by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation or Designated a National Hispanic Scholar by College Board.

Tuition and fees. $2,500 stipend per academic year and the one-year NMSU Housing Award.


Hi Everyone. I just started a new discussion thread titled “NHRP 2019 College Scholarship List”. The goal of that new discussion is to provide a handy list of schools offering scholarships to the class of 2019. I’ve quickly posted 7 scholarships that I know are current and verified as accurate. There are many more to add.

Please Please Please add schools to the list as you do your own searches and collect information. We can use the new thread as a place that’s only used for listing schools. We can continue to use this thread I’m on now for questions and comments.

I know I have e-mailed a list of schools to many of you already, but daily more schools are being added and I wanted to start a place where all of us could share information quickly and easily, and also a place that’s up-to-date.

Happy college searching. :slight_smile:

My son received his certificate last Saturday. So far we haven’t heard from any schools. Thanks for updating the list with current offers. I am really hoping he will find a full tuition offer and am definitely curious if there is anything new for him to consider. So far, he really only seems interested in Arizona and Arizona State. There are so many more options - hoping he’ll look into some of them.

@ljrfrm One of the frustrating things I’m realizing in this process is that the schools do not always reach out to you. You might receive a recruiting letter of some type, but more often than not you never hear from any of these schools that offer these great scholarships. In most cases, you find out about the scholarship by going online to the that schools financial aid and scholarship pages. Most of us are finding out about these opportunities by word-of-mouth. Hopefully we can all keep adding to the list and future scholars will not have to engage in the same hunt that we are going through. Cheers,

It is a bit frustrating. We’ve done a lot of research but everything was old. So it’s nice to see updated information. I appreciate the posts and everyone sharing confirmed offers. We’d love to take advantage of one of the scholarships - so far there are quite a few he’s ruled out (much to my dismay, haha).

Where is the list of schools recognizing National Hispanic Scholars?

Anyone who is interested in applying to Florida International University for the National Hispanic Scholar Scholarship, needs to apply by October 15.

How did you find the schools that offered full tuition for NHSP?

Thank you …just saw your early post for the list

Thank you for doing this. I have been so heads down with helping with apps and scholarships I haven’t been able to add much. I will add some post Nov 1, however. Also, still have plans for a searchable DB/website available in 2019.