National Hispanic Scholar NHRP Class of 2019

I’m very interested but do not know how to send a pm through this forum.

Did any of you receive a free application code (waiver) for University of Arizona, Northeastern or Boston University?

D got one for Wahington and Lee (LAC in VA)

My son received one from Fordham University.

I know BU and Northeastern do not have one for NHRP and didn’t see anything from Arizona but did receive one for University of Maryland.

If you have not received a fee waiver, but believe you qualify for one, (for reasons such as extenuating circumstances, or National Merit, National Achievement, or National Hispanic Scholarship participation) please contact, using the subject line “Fee Waiver”

Daughter received National Scholar letters from Arizona State and South Carolina. Arizona State offered to fly her out for a visit to Barrett + full OOS tuition. South Carolina offered Provost OOS, which is $6K + in-state tuition.

Son received ASU, South Carolina and Nebraska letters yesterday with info about NHRP scholarships.

Ours too!

@ScientificRocket …or anyone familiar with UnSoCarolina if I read that correctly USC will cost $6k/year tuition + plus the cost of room and board and honors school fee for OOS kids.
Approx $18k total per year? Still $72k total. Great scholarship, but still a lot o’money.

In answer to your question, the Provost Scholarship at Univ of South Carolina is a NHRP merit scholarship of up to $6,000 plus reduction of tuition to the in-state rate if you are domiciled outside of South Carolina, i.e., would normally be subject to out-of-state tuition). Hence, the value of the scholarship is up to $6000 if you are a South Carolina resident, and the value is up to $101,700 if you are not a South Carolina resident. The tuition redaction is a fixed reduction, while the “cash” portion is theoretically variable up to $6000. Of course, the “cash” portion is actually a credit against your total student bill. Hope this helps.

I know some of you are in the same boat with U of Arizona waiting for them to add NHRP benefits to their initial scholarship offer with admission. I can’t remember is their NHRP award typically full tuition? I’m assuming it takes the place of any $ they were already offered based on SAT/GPA.

I want to pass along a pearl of wisdom I recently read about merit scholarships in general (not NHRP in particular). Many schools, particularly state universities, do not consider demonstrated interest in admission decisions. However, just because they do not consider demonstrated interest in admission decisions DOES NOT MEAN they do not consider demonstrated interest when determining the amount of merit scholarship(s) given. With respect to NHRP in particular, this can come into play when the university website has language like “up to $__ for NHRP”. Also note that some private universities like BU and Northeastern, also employ the “up to $__ for NHRP” language. They may or may not give the maximum amount. Northeastern is big on demonstrated interest for both admissions and scholarships (Northeastern does not want to be a safety school for the Ivys).

@lisagatortx This is what U of AZ offers:

The UA National Scholars Award comprises of students named National Merit Finalists, National Hispanic Scholars, or National Achievement Scholars. The UA National Merit Scholarship award includes the college-sponsored, corporate-sponsored, or National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC)-sponsored awards. The National Merit Scholarship award amount exceeding 100% tuition will be split into tuition and cash. Students must respond to NMSC requests to accept these awards.

Arizona National Scholars: $18,000 per academic year + one-time $1,500 Study Abroad Award for UA Study Abroad program (described below).

Non-Arizona National Scholars: the value of the original Arizona Tuition Award + $5,000 National Scholar Award +one-time $1,500 Study Abroad Award for UA Study Abroad program. See “Arizona Tuition Award” for UA merit review and offer details.

They don’t make it easy to find. Look under this link and then under National Scholars Tuition Award.

The West Coast seems woefully unrepresented when it comes to NHRP scholarships. Is anyone aware of anything decent in CA, WA or OR? The only ones I’ve seen have been tiny like $1000 from Willamette University where tuition alone is $48k.

Check out Cal State Long Beach. I think there was something mentioned before about specific scholarships for NHRP recipients.

Thank you tbrixton! This seems like a much better award for Arizona residents than Non-residents. If tuition for residents is $12,400, that means +$5600 beyond tuition costs for residents vs. Tuition of $36,400 for OOS - $5,000 from (NHRP), - $20,000 tuition award for my son (can be up to $25,000 for others) = $11,400 out of pocket/year for tuition. Still great scholarship money and an excellent value for OOS, but I’m surprised there is such a big difference.

@lisagatortx Likely they are using it to increase their out of state enrollment. So many state schools have large in state populations and want to be more diverse, so sometimes use programs like this, knowing they are getting top students too.

@lisagatortx And, your welcome. I am looking to have a website later in 2019 that captures a lot of this information on NHRP and what schools offer, etc. I’ve got two other daughter’s coming up after this year’s so this will be important for many years ahead for me and anyone else. If you come across any other info drop me a line. Thx.

My son received his letter last month, but seems like the University of California and California State school systems don’t even recognize this scholarship.California is apparently blocked from any type of ethnic recognition. We are sooo depressed.

Latoure. Look into Cal State Long Beach. They have a competitive scholarship that takes NHRP into account I believe.