National Hispanic Scholar NHRP Class of 2019

Hi All, anyone else apply/get notified their child was selected for the Hispanic Heritage Youth Award (from HHF)?

The website shows awards between $1k-3.5K-
Curious if anyone knows the difference btw the three levels?

Bronze $1k?
Silver -???
Gold- $3.5k?
I think they have held most of the regional ceremonies already.

Houston, TX – December 4, 2018; University of Houston
Dallas, TX – December 5, 2018; University of Texas – Arlington
Miami, FL – December 6, 2018; Miami Dade College – Wolfson Campus
Atlanta, GA – December 12, 2018; Georgia State University
Washington DC – TBD

Also, anyone using LOFT?

Sadly, they are based on which sponsor gives what. My daughter was a Gold Award winner in NY for one of the categories and only got $1,000. Not sure what the Silver and Bronze got. Kind of annoying given that all of these sponsors are multi-billion dollar companies and probably Silver may get the same of more than a Gold in a different category. I ran a 3 person charity and gave more than that last year as a scholarship… She applied to 4 out of the 6 categories (and got just the 1), but if we had any idea, would have targeted the higher awards :slight_smile: Having said that there are definitely some $3,000 or $3,500 Gold Awards. You can contact the person who reached out to your son/daughter and ask. Unfortunately the HHF doesn’t dictate the award, the sponsor does.

Very helpful - I was wondering why the award amounts were so difficult to pin down.
My D is looking at $1k for a silver. She is very thankful as any amount helps.
(I was kind of hoping for $2k, being the site seemed to show $3.5k as the top awards)
Congrats on the gold!

University of Arizona is one of the schools my son applied. He is a NHRP. He was promptly accepted in UA and was awarded 35K (not sure if it includes the $5,000 National Scholar Award). But I don’t understand - I’m much slower than him :slight_smile: - what is “the value of the original Arizona Tuition Award” If anyone could clarify this, thank you kindly in advance!

@PadreDe3 Hi - what do you mean by “the value of the original Arizona Tuition Award”?

Reading all of the information. Very helpful. Thank you for your contributions

It is written so in the information received. I have no idea what the University of Arizona means when in states " the value of the original Arizona Tuition Award". It is what I am trying to decipher.

Anyone headed to Fordham?!

Maybe. My daughter got accepted and it was her first choice AND she got a scholarship :slight_smile:
…but not as much as we would have liked. So we are waiting for other offers that might have better finance packages.

Anyone apply and get a Harvard interview?

@ivhose @dreamschool19 My daughter was accepted at Fordham. They had offered no app fee and enticed us with potential NHRP full tuition scholarship. But looks like only getting $15,000. They said $15-$30K and will find out final number in around Feb 1. But at $73K, its not viable. This is what we were told from admissions:

All National Hispanic Scholars are considered for the full-tuition scholarship, though Fordham only awards full tuition to students in the top 3% of the applicant pool. For Freshman incoming in Fall 2019 the award was particularly competitive, as Fordham received over 21,500 applications. National Hispanic Scholars can receive several other scholarships including the Dean’s Scholarship. It is an annual award of at least $15,000; the exact amount ranges between $15,000-$30,000, depending on the family’s financial need (as demonstrated by the FAFSA and CSS Profile). The exact amount of the Dean’s will be listed in students financial aid package, which will be available around February 1 and will also include any other scholarships or grants awarded. Once awarded, students must maintain continuing enrollment status and a 3.0 GPA.

I’m sorry to hear that. Is she from NYC? Perhaps Nebraska or Arizona could offer big $. Has she looked at Miami U in Ohio?

Anyone apply to Ga Tech?

Proudmom9, my son has been accepted to UK and received the Patterson. Scholarship. Can you confirm for me what fees you are left with, if any after the scholarship? I’ve read through some old post and some people post about having to pay for health insurance and taxes and the part of the scholarship not used for tuition or books. I figured I ask you since your DD is in school now. Any helps is greatly appreciated.

@dreamschool19 Thanks and NP. From MA. Did not look at Miami U of O., but heard great things about it. Biggest opportunity now is Northeastern or BU for NHRP. Could here from NU by Friday! Arizona is a good choice offering $18K+ stipends and additional dollars for National Hispanic Scholars.

@ivhose Yes, my daughter has an interview, I think next month.

For any National Hispanic Scholars that applied to Northeastern EA, we could be hearing as early as tomorrow (Thursday, Jan 17, 2019). Last year Northeastern released EA notifications on Jan 18, 2018 (a Thursday) and as I understand it they typically like to release on a Thursday. Notifications could begin as early as 4 PM EST and will likely come in throughout the evening. Also, which is good, is that NU gives you notice of your merit award/financial aid package at the time of notifying you of acceptance. Not all schools do that but it’s great to know whether you’re in or not and then see the actual reality of merit/NHRP award or fin aid.

I tried to confirm 1/17/19 with Northeastern but all they will say is, “by Feb 1” even after pressing them :-). A bit annoying considering so many schools often deliver well before the deadline. I realize you can have glitches in the response and may go later than expected but would be nice if they said something like, yes in next few days or no not until late next week. Anyway, may want to start checking tomorrow (no doubt your checking daily already!) and good luck!

Did you hear yet?!

We have not heard yet and son just said that he got a call a couple of days ago that stated he’s missing something for financial aid?! And he tells me now?!

@ivhose @dreamschool19 Regarding Fordham, we were told the same thing as the person above, but the school later offered my daughter a full tuition scholarship. She didn’t go there, but I thought you might be interested in the info.