National Hispanic Scholar NHRP Class of 2019

what state are you in?

I hope mine comes today!

I am in NM.

Has anyone from NY received a letter yet?

Not yet in Ohio

@ArizonaParent Hi - I am building a database for schools that have NHRP that I hope to have up and running by next summer (if not sooner) in the form of a searchable website that I hope to update yearly. I know that is probably late for this year, but my frustration with this process has spawned this. I have spoken to several admissions officials who actually pay the College Board for names of the scholars - so the College Board knows that these colleges either offer NHRP or are very interested in hispanic/latino students. But I have hit a dead-end in getting that schools list - likely because they make $$ off of it (despite their non-profit status). I am doing this as a completely non-profit thing (and investing my own $$ into this just to complete). I hope to get the community to help contribute. Do you care to share your list? My goal is to have maybe 100+ schools that offer NHRP in database for launch. I can provide my email. Let me know. Thank you.

not yet in NJ

@whs2016 @FreshTortillas @thepotatomaster Regarding UCF and NHRP

Students who are non-residents will receive their scholarship in the form of a waiver. The UCF sponsored non-resident waiver award will cover up to the full amount offered by Undergraduate Admissions as long as it does not exceed the non-resident fee amount and is not covered by any other resources. Students should refer to their award notification received from Undergraduate Admissions to know the maximum waiver they may be eligible to receive per semester. The waiver does not pay towards resident tuition and other fees.

They have not come yet in KS

I emailed them and they said that notifications were mailed at the end of last week in a large white envelope and emails will be sent to those not recognized.

Did they already send the emails, I wonder?

I don’t think so as it said “will be”

They informed me today that the non recognized students will receive an email the first week in October.

@cdplus3 did they say what would cause a student to not be recognized?

My daughter received her letter today. We are in AZ

@tbrixton I am more than happy to share my list of 50-60 schools. I’m not able to PM anyone on this forum because I am a new member. If you’re able to PM me with your e-mail I can send the list to you that way. I would really like it if we could collectively create a list as a group on this forum and figure out how to share it with everyone here. If our lists could be combined and people could add to it, like a google doc, that would be amazing.

Certificate received today in TX.

@ArizonaParent , Where are you in Arizona? We are in Tucson, and my son has not received any notification yet. He scored a 1380 on the PSAT, and we had checked with National Hispanic some months back to confirm that everything was in order, after all the paperwork had been subnmitted.

For my own mental health, I really hope we get some word by tomorrow. My son is planning on ASU, and our whole plan is pay to with New American University Scholarship, Earn to Learn, and Pell grants. If this piece falls through, that is a huge, huge problem.

@chunkylegs I just called to verify letters went out. They confirmed they went out end of last week to give mail 8-10 days. Those who were not recognized would receive email first week in October. I didn’t ask how they determined who was recognized or not. Just praying we receive letter soon!
