National Hispanic Scholar?

<p>Hi, sorry to post two post in a row, but I figure this would be the apropriate place. I was looking online and found that some people can win an award called National Hispanic Scholar. I googled it and found the site, but I did not understand what the award was. Can someone please explain to me what the award is, how you qualify, and so on. </p>

<p>Thank you very much in advance</p>

<p>Please go to the Resources sticky thread at the top of this forum, it gives links to the main NHRP thread (which is on the first page of threads), cutoff scores and a thread with NHRP scholarships. </p>

<p>NHRP is recognition for jr year PSAT scores. The National Merit Corp does not give a scholarship, but scholarships are available through various colleges. The eligibility requirements are stated on the website, do you have a specific question about one of them?</p>