<p>This past summer, I won the Military History Award at NHD in Washington. How much weight does that have on a college app? I know that winning those Intel/Siemens competitions is an almost guaranteed shoo in, and I know that History Day does not match up to it, but is it still a legit award?</p>
<p>where are you from/what category? i was there too! haha
i have no idea how much weight NHD carries, but I'm hoping a good amount, cause its my main EC and I've been doing it for 5 years. </p>
<p>I don't really get it....science/math people have Intel/Seimens, but we humanities folk have nothing of the sort. as far as I know NHD is the closest it gets, but I don't understand what we're supposed to do to match up</p>
<p>I'm from Rhode Island and wrote a paper about the Marianas campaign. You might remember be as the guy who took like 20 minutes to walk down to get the award because Rhode Island sat way at the top.</p>
<p>haha i might have remembered like a few days after but my memory isnt that good
new york....i won the UMD scholarship it was like the last award lmao and we had decided to leave so i was all the way at the top and it took me like a whole 2 minutes for me to realize they said my name</p>