National Merit and the PSAT

<p>Ok, I have a quick question regarding the PSAT. I just got my score, which was a 209. While I understand this score is not "stellar," I live in a "noncompetitive" state, Nebraska. So, does anyone know if I stand a chance of making semifinalist in my state. In the past, I have been told that the hight national merit cut off score in NE was 207, so ya I'd REALLY appreciate any input you guys could give = D.</p>


<p>if it was 207 in the past, you definitely have a chance. the trends haven’t really been determined this year - i know they generally went down last year, so maybe the same will be true this year. good luck!</p>

<p>The Nebraska cut is around 205 I believe (from 2001, but it’s very unlikely it went up 4 points in that timespan), so I would say 95 percent chance that you got it…</p>

<p>Congrats =)</p>

<p>thanks guys i appreciate the input!</p>

<p>i got a 190. i know that will not quality me for semifinalist but will i get other scholarships or what?</p>

<p>^ if you are African American or Hispanic you might qualify for National Acheivement or National Hispanic, respectively.</p>

<p>If you are white/Asian/other, you’re out of luck :(.</p>

<p>EDIT: Commended score cutoff is usually 200, and commended students may be considered for some of the corporate scholarships. But I doubt a 190 will be commended.</p>

<p>ahhhhh i better get something that 190 was not all that easy.</p>