National Merit Issues.

<p>I have a nice PSAT (234), and I'm expecting a high 2200 or 2300 on my November SAT given my performance on the practice tests... I also wrote a killer NM application essay, and I have decent EC's (due to a ridiculous amount of hours in the Boys & Girls Club before high school, and at least 100+ during high school).</p>


<p>I have a 3.46 weighted overall GPA, I have a grand total of three AP classes for all four of my high school years, and my frosh year sucked; GPA and otherwise. =(</p>

<p>Think I'll qualify?</p>

<p>Oh, the dilemmas of a high school senior... <em>facedesk</em></p>

<p>Will your school endorse you?</p>

<p>Also, how are you ranked in your class?</p>

<p>as long as you didn’t screw up your Junior year, I think you’ll be fine. That’s how most ppl get eliminated; they eliminate themselves by slacking off in 11th grade.</p>

<p>Er, I think I need to clarify.</p>

<p>I’m a SENIOR now. I already got accepted for Semifinalist status, I’m wondering if I’ll qualify for FINALIST status. Which is important D:</p>

<p>@noimagination: Yeah, my school would endorse me ^^. My school doesn’t rank.</p>

<p>@Vp: ehehe T_T I got a 3.5 Junior year. My Frosh year drags me down to a 3.4… meh.</p>

<p>Thanks for your replies, and sorry for the confusion ^^" heh.</p>

<p>You should be fine.</p>

<p>Don’t worry…you’ll make NMF.</p>

<p>And, if my some odd chance you do get a rejection letter in January (which I doubt), you can immediately appeal. Reasonable appeals usually work. :)</p>

<p>What were your frosh grades? Any D’s? Cs? If no Ds and only a couple of Cs, then you’re fine.</p>

<p>One D, one or two C’s. :confused: but I had a tyrannical Algebra 2 teacher. It was an advanced course, as well.</p>

<p>I hope you will make it, but I know of a semi-finalist a few years ago who had one D and didn’t get it. I don’t know what the other grades or anything else was, but I was told that it was the D that kept him from being a finalist.</p>

<p>D: that’s… not good. I’ve only had one D ever (that 9th grade Honors Algebra one), but… does it really mean that much?</p>

<p>If it means anything, I did EXTREMELY well in my essay.</p>

<p>However, I received one off-the-record suspension (2 days, I was jumped by a bully). I let my counselor know and she wrote to explain it, and it was also the topic of my essay.</p>

<p>… I’m probably not going to get it, am I? =/ stupid bully.</p>

<p>Most people don’t know that they can appeal a rejection. The person that Proud_mom is referring to may have had other issues as well, or may not have tried the appeal process. </p>

<p>However, I received one off-the-record suspension (2 days, I was jumped by a bully). I let my counselor know and she wrote to explain it, and it was also the topic of my essay.</p>

<p>??? If it was off the record…why was it mentioned? </p>

<p>Do you know what your GC wrote? Did she write in a way that she supported you making NMF?</p>

<p>Just be prepared to deal with an appeal IF it becomes necessary. You might even mention to your GC about appealing as well. I think schools are notified at the same time students are…around the second week of January if they are rejected.</p>

<p>@mom2ck: =/ if it DID show up later, I didn’t want it to cause trouble, so I ironed it out at the beginning and wrote an essay about it. I’m also an honest little fool T_T</p>

<p>I know my GC, and she’s really good =) I know she would only write the best. Everyone at our school has to sign the FERPA, as per policy, but I’d trust her with my admissions any day.</p>

<p>Definitely appealing if I’m rejected the first time. I NEED THAT FINALIST STATUS D:< otherwise I might not be able to finance myself… I’m really hedging everything on that NMF.</p>

<p>I talked to my counselor (GC, school counselor, same same) about the effect of suspension on college apps and the NM Finalist reach… eh.</p>

<p>Well, since the D is in the frosh year, I really don’t think it’s going to matter much. Some kids don’t even have 9th grade grades on their high school records.</p>

<p>As for the suspension…it sounds like the GC addressed that adequately.</p>

<p>Do you know what your “year end” grade was for that class? Does your school put a “year end” grade on transcripts.</p>

<p>(I’m glad that my kids’ school ONLY puts year-end grades on the transcript. LOL)</p>

<p>Definitely appeal if it comes to that. :)</p>

<p>I really do hope so =) that would help so much… 100k in tuition waivers and stipends is massive for me.</p>

<p>I’m sure she advocated as best she could ^^
Yeah, it was a C. =/ crazy teacher, I told you.</p>

<p>Mmhmm, planning on it :3</p>

<p>K, so I did some research; Bama and Auburn clearly offer the absolute best NMFinalist scholarships available, Auburn in pure cash value and Bama in facility use/productivity/housing. Just letting people know.</p>