National merit scholarship

So S17 is going to Bama on the NMF scholarship (yay!). He just found out he was also awarded $1k/year from UA through NMCorp.

I know UA will subtract any corporate NM scholarships from the stipend UA offers these kids, but since this $1k isn’t “corporate” does anyone know if he gets to stack it? (It seems sort of silly to award him extra money just to take it away, but stranger things have happened.)

That’s legit I believe.

Bama’s official NMF award is $1k…the other larger part isn’t official.

Thanks! Every little bit helps!

FWIW, I rather doubt that the 1k is actually “extra”. I’d be delighted if it is, but I doubt it. My son is a NM Scholar as well, and we got that letter, too. I was just assuming it’s a paperwork thing and will roll into the overall NM package.

Part of the reason I guess this is that when my older daughter was NM Scholar, she actually won the direct NMSC scholarship, and that was essentially subtracted out of the 3500/yr NM money from UA.

In general, it seemed like the overall goal/plan for the UA NM package is to equalize NM money so that all the UA kids get 3500/yr in NM money. OTHER scholarships do stack, but not more NM money, at least in my experience.

That said, if I’m wrong, and the NM kids get an extra 1k, I’d be very happy!

It’s not extra…it’s part of that $3500.

No, it is not extra. My ds is a freshman this year on the NMF scholarship. The amount that UA pays will be reduced by $1000. Still a very generous scholarship!