Natural Science Core Requirement?

<p>Any guidance???</p>

<p>Not DD’s thing although she aced Chem, Bio and Physics in HS.</p>

<p>Any of the earth or geo courses bearable??? </p>

<p>Not a clue which to pick…help!</p>

<p>Btw, finally got online and on myBAMA and, once I figured it out, have to say that, once again, UA ROCKS!!!</p>

<p>At a graduation party yesterday and was amazed at how many of the students “receive” their schedule in late June without the ability to provide input AT ALL! Ugh.</p>

<p>Can’t wait for BB and arrival in T-town Monday!!!</p>

<p>What is your D’s major? </p>

<p>Any chance that her major will change?</p>

<p>The problem with picking some odd N class is if your child later changes her major to something more STEM oriented, she’d probably have to go back and take bio or chem.</p>

<p>She will get two degrees in the four years: Public Relations and Marketing, and a Spanish minor. </p>

<p>Maybe a MBA in Global Business down the road.</p>

<p>She’s a Performing Arts kind of gal…no STEM interest AT ALL…</p>

<p>In that case, go with the easiest courses possible!</p>

<p>DD1 is a business major who hates science. She took a conceptual physics class (no calc) and Human Origins (anthropology) to fulfill hers science requirements at a different school. She actually loved both classes, but would have hated every minute in a bio or chem or physics with calc course.</p>

<p>I myself took astronomy and geology courses in college and enjoyed both. (I was an arch major who changed to accounting). I would have died in a bio class.</p>

<p>Don’t the requirements include a lab???</p>

<p>And which are the easiest at UA?</p>

<p>I have no personal knowledge, as my D ended up with AP/transfer credit for her N courses, but when we didn’t know that would be the case I paid attention to this, and I seem to recall our NJ friend recommending GY 101 and 102, I think with Senkbeil and Mary Pitts. I don’t know if you can search back that far, but there have definitely been discussions of “N” courses for non-STEM kids in the past.</p>

<p>Intro to Astronomy has a Lab according to myBama. </p>

<p>If the N course has 4 hours, it probably has a lab ( would check the details but seems logical) . </p>

<p>FWIW, Honors Physics 1 doesn’t have a separate lab, but the course is 4 credits and fulfills the N requirement.</p>

<p>My D is a Communications Disorders Major. She also needs 2 sciences but they must be Biology + Chem or Physics. That is what speech-path grad programs require. She’s going to try to CLEP out of Bio and Chem this summer. I think she’ll pass Bio easily but the Chem test seems much more difficult.</p>