Navajo-Pinal Stadium Dorms

<p>I just got assigned to stadium dorms. What is it like and should I request reassignment?</p>

<p>Supposedly the rooms are not carpeted, but are really big, and in awkward shapes. That's just from the school website though. I am sure a UA student can clarify.</p>

<p>Hopefully someone will, but thanks for the input.</p>

<p>Anyone who goes there?</p>

<p>I just attended the Up Close on Friday and one of the Honors Students said her first dorm was at Stadium. She said she felt as if she was the only one studying. By the next semester, she moved to the Honors dorm where she felt more comfortable. I guess it really depends on the type of person you are and how much you get involved.</p>

<p>Yeah, I'm not much of a sports person, I like to study. I'm trying to switch to a highland.</p>

<p>The stadium dorm is not as bad as everyone claims -- there's obviously going to be more noise and there's a greater likelihood that there will be parties than at an honors dorm, but it's all a matter of the people in the dorm rather than the dorm itself. I'm sure there are quite a few people who study around Stadium, you just have to find them :)</p>

<p>For the record, arizonagirl007, I've heard a lot more about partying at some of the Highland Dorms (La Paz, Graham-Greenlee, VDP) than at Stadium, but maybe that's just the partying I know of.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info!</p>