NCSU CyberSecurity Program

I was wondering whether or not N.C. State had a good cybersecurity major; I know that they do have a Computer Science Major with a concentration in CyberSecurity, but the thing is, I’ve heard that the first 2 years of the Computer Science Major at NC State is just engineering and that you don’t actually do anything Computer Science related until your 3rd year. With this being said, I was wondering if it would be better for me to go to a community college and study there for 2 years and then transfer to N.C. State. Seeing as I wanna major in CyberSecurity, would this be a better option?

I don’t know the details, but also check out UNC-Charlotte for cybersecurity. I think they have a pretty good program and some of my kids’ friends who were accepted at State ended up at UNC-C for CS instead.

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