NCSU vs UNC Chapel Hill

Is it better to go to NCSU or UNC Chapel Hill if you are planning to go to med school? Particularly Carolina Med. I have heard that it is easier to get into Carolina Med through NCSU rather than UNC, is this true? If so, why?

I heard the opposite; I’ve heard that it’s much easier to get into to UNC Chapel HIll’s med school if you actually go to UNC, since you’re already a UNC student. However, I don’t think it matters in the long run. Both of them are fantastic schools and many students from either school end up getting accepted at Carolina Med.

I personally favor NCSU because it has several different biology majors like Genetics, Microbiology, Human Biology, etc.; UNC, on the other hand, only has General Biology. (Of course, you don’t have to have a Bio-related major but that’s what a lot of students do.) Again though, it doesn’t matter in the long run. Just go to whichever one you think will make you happiest!