<p>I just got back from my visit from ND and the campus is very pretty, the students are nice, and I like the residential house system. Only problem is that i just liked everything, not love. I walked onto campus expecting to fall in love with it and I didn't. It was growing on me every second. My main concern are activites,opportunities, fun...etc. Football season will be awesome I know. However, the facilities at UT are bigger and nicer, more state of the art. The size of UT was good and bad and the overall weather was nicer. However, I don't want to pass up the opportunity of ND education and the weight it carrries, esp if grad school is in my future. I'm really bugged out about the winters too. I went for 2 days and the weather was gorgeous but the students said it was rare and only 8weeks of the year are nice. I just don't know i'm very confused becasue I don't love it. I could for sure see myself on campus. Idk i'm used to an urban type school, maybe it's just culture shock? The food was AMAZING esp in South Dining Hall. </p>
<p>money could make a difference. same with weather if you're from a warm climate. Just pick the one that "feels" best. If there dead even, then consider money (and weather if thats big for you).</p>
<p>I have just been so adamant against UT because it's a state school and so large, and my family has been pushing it. I am in McCombs, but I am not sure I even want business. I find the FYS at ND attractive as well. Money is not a problem. I don't want to go to UT and think I should have gone to ND and vice versa. What I like about ND is the sense of community, the food, the undergraduate focus. What I don't like about it is location, weather, activties. Am I just insane? Something keeps telling me to go to ND because its hard to get into and the Alum network is amazing. It's very family at ND. I look at UT and I feel very overwhelmed even though the depth of opportunity is appealing. If ND where ubran I would be there in a heart beat. I don't think weather should play a part in this, it's just weather and I will be studying indoors. The athletic facilities are amazing at UT. I've never been a big partier and I don't drink. Drinking seems to be a bit of a problem at Dame. I am Catholic but non-practicing, but I did enjoy the Catholic atmosphere. I loved the people and the day I went was beautiful. I just don't know.</p>
<p>There isn't much I can say to help because I don't even know you, but trust yourself. I think you already know where you want to be. Good luck, and maybe I'll see you in August!</p>
<p>I feel like I just goofed this whole application process. I should have applied to a few more reaslistic schools, and I should have loved my back up (UT). I wish I had applied to Duke and Vandy, but wishing won't make things better. There is just something inside that doens't settle right when I think about ND. However, after some hard thinking I find myself excited about it, but then I get that weird not good gut feeling again. I keep saying no no UT, but I think I might be denying that it may be a good fit for me. The problem is I can see myself on both campuses. A conformting thought is that I have never heard of anyone who went to ND and hated it. I just keep thinking about the cool people I met, the awesome campus, and the sweet Jordan Hall of science. I'm afraid to think that UT may be the way. I know it's dumb and at UT I can go anywhere afterwards, but the ND prestige and name keeps going through my head. I know I need to go to the place where I'll be happiest regardless of name. Why do the students at Dame love it so much?</p>
<p>I have heard a lot of bad things about UT concerning their 10% rule of admission. If you don't know what that is, it means every senior in the top 10% of their class is given admission to any of the Texas public schools. This is the reason for UT's 95% in state student body. I've also heard a lot of unqualified kids get in because of this law. There is more about it in the university of Michigan forum.</p>
<p>nweido, I'm in a same situation as yours except that I never really considered UT as my top choice even though I got accepted there though that infamous "10% rule."
I visited ND this Saturday and I really appreciated every aspect of ND. I visited UT several times since I live in Dallas and the campus is, indeed, great. But I don't think UT diploma's going to get you far as in out-of-state jobs. Sure, you'll receive a lot of nods if you are applying for any Texas or surrounding states' jobs, but I don't think you'll receive the same advantages ND grads get when you're applying for jobs in places like NYC or Chicago. Reputation stretches farther than anyone might think.</p>
<p>have the same problem with UCSB and ND, except i love both schools both equally. just dont like the lack fo a football team of UCSB and the installation of parietals of ND.</p>
<p>I don't know if you mentioned where you are from, but maybe some of your trepidation about ND is that it is further away from home? Sometimes this alone can keep you away, or make you hesitate. It's not a bad thing either! Maybe you just want to be closer to home! If this isn't it, I can only chime in to say that the ND degree will reach far and wide as everyone knows it as a great school. The weather isn't the best, but there is also something kind of fun about the crazy snow and cold~really, I'm not kidding there! If nothing else, it makes those beautiful days even more appreciated! There is a lot to do on campus too~even if you don't drink! Seriously, there are so many activities and events, you couldn't nearly do them all. ND will offer you a community like none other. Best of luck!</p>
<p>Thank you to everyone is has been trying to help me out. After visiting UT today and touring around with a friend of mine who is in her sophomore year there I have made a decision. I am now a Domer! Here is why:</p>
<p>UT lacked a sense of solidarity (compared to ND)
No house system
There are a mix of people who I just didnt get a good vibe from. I like the people at ND better (seem more friendly)
UT didn't seem very collegiate to me. ND has no major streets running through it and the campus is unified. UT has some very dirty parts and I was accosted by a hobo who wanted money for hookers and slip and slide
When I begin my studies how often am I just going to be around with nothing to do?
The dorms at UT are kinda crappy, at least I was not impressed with Dobie where I have a room. Even though my room is private, after ND I don't want a private dorm. I would be too isolated feeling.
After a long day of trecking around campus I was tired and was not liking the idea of returning to Dobie
ND has a beautifully maintained campus
UT was dirty
Where was everybody on the UT campus? Everyone was out at ND </p>
<p>Even though ND may not be the "perfect" fit right out the gate, I feel it is the better fit for me and my personality. I also noticed that while I was at ND it grew on me every minute. While at UT I did not get this feeling. </p>
<p>Parietals are really not a big issue based on the people I talked to. In fact, my host had his gf stay the night during my visit. She was very nice. Everything was just laid back and cool.</p>
<p>i was in the same situation that you were in a few years ago. i did not have many options other than UT and ND and one or two others. as much as i liked ND when i visited, i was not totally obsessed with it to the point where i couldn't stop talking about it. i realized UT was awesome because it is in Austin, is warmer, prettier girls, closer to home (more "homey" feeling) and less expensive. but i also decided that i needed a change of scene. i have bee n able to carve out a niche for myself out here and things have worked out well. it can be kind of hard some times when the weather is rough or you wish "home" were more accessible, but i have had some of the greatest moments of my life here and i have changed as a person. i am not sure if that would have happened at UT. and you are right about the flexibility of ND's academic programs. you will be locked in at mccombs where as FYS gives you a freer range of options.</p>
<p>Thank you for your insight. It helps to put me at ease. It was like when I was talking to Gil Martinez. You would be a different person if you got to UT and vice versa. Everyday I find myself getting more and more excited though. I think it was good decision to make. Notre Dame feel to me to have a stronger allure than UT. I'll be home anyway for my favorite season summer! I bet Christmas at ND is awesome!</p>
<p>haha no problems man. Gil's a great guy, too. Let me know if you have any specific questions that i can help you with. i think you made the right choice, too.</p>