ND Scholar vs. Glynn Honors?

<p>Does anybody know what "Notre Dame Scholar" means? Is there an "honors" program, or does this designation just apply to financial aid? Is the "Glynn Honors Program" the same thing? Or is this a separate application?</p>

<p>Not 100% positive, but I believe Notre Dame Scholar is a distinction that gives slight preferential treatment in financial aid, such as possibly getting more grant as opposed to loan money in fulfilling financial need (remember ND fulfills 100% of demonstrated need).</p>

<p>Glynn Family Honors Program is separate from this and students are invited to apply to it. The impression I get from it is the students in the GFHP are those who are interested in science and/or arts and letters and also show a great ability to succeed.</p>

<p>Nd scholar doesnt mean much…there might be a little preferential aid, but nothing huge. Beyond that it means squat. Glynn honors have to apply, can’t be engineering(separate honors program for them), archies, or business majors; only liberal arts or science. They have a lot of smaller, discussion oriented classes.</p>

<p>And honors lounge in O’Shag. And required senior thesis.</p>