<p>My DS is a Kelley direct admit and starting in the fall. We have heard that Accounting is a difficult weed out course freshman year and some take it several times. He has no background in accounting and were advised to have him take a college level accounting course this summer in preparation for it. Any thoughts from those of you that have been through the class or have students that have? Is this necessary or a waste of time? Thanks!</p>
<p>A100 is not that difficult now. The grade distribution is listed here. If he is DA, definitely not. If not, he should review the strategy for standard admission.</p>
<p><a href=“http://gradedistribution.registrar.indiana.edu/gradedist.php?dept=BUS&subject=a&crse=100&clsnbr=&instrname=&report_selection=gradedist&search_process=go”>http://gradedistribution.registrar.indiana.edu/gradedist.php?dept=BUS&subject=a&crse=100&clsnbr=&instrname=&report_selection=gradedist&search_process=go</a></p>
<p>If your son lives near Indianapolis, he can take A100 at IUPUI this summer. It meets only once a week for six weeks and is much easier than at IUB Kelley. IUPUI is the only school that offers a class that substitutes for A100 at IUB.</p>
<p>Also, your son only needs a solid C in A100 for the class to qualify as satisfying an Icore prerequisite. That should be fairly easy to do for a direct admit. Even if he gets a C, the grade won’t wreck his gpa, as A100 is only one credit.</p>
<p><a href=“Undergraduate | Bachelor's Degree in Business | Indiana Kelley”>Undergraduate | Bachelor's Degree in Business | Indiana Kelley;
<p>Thank you for the input!</p>