<p>Hey.. do you all know any good titles to do for a Science project like a research what would be a GOOOOD title to impress a school i wonna go to. Not something too hard. I am a 10th grader applying to a math and science school, on the application it says we need a Project in math or science i wonna do one in science..
You guys have any idea on a good project title?</p>
<p>I remember you.</p>
<p>We need a little background info on the project, if you want help on getting a title</p>
<p>"The Cure for Cancer: 1 of 2"
^^ that will impress them</p>
<p>no like titles like nuclear fussion or something..
something for chemistry or physics</p>
<p>i mean "TOPICS" sorry not titles(bad wording) im going to be doing a research paper, but i have no idea on what to do it on</p>
<p>12</a> pages for you to take a look and see what other people have done. It`s best if you came up something original and creative yourself.</p>
<p>i need a topic to do a research paper not a science fair, something like a physics topic</p>
<p>The effects of one atom of carbon and one atom of nitrogen in conjunction with other elements on human beings</p>
<p>no i need like a TOPIC like.. Thermodynamics.. and i write a 10 page paper on that(something like that)</p>
<p>Intricacies of the digestive process, studied using the consumption of uncreative kids by selective schools as samples.</p>
<p>Thermodynamics itself is a pretty BROAD topic. You can write a dictionary sized book on it with enough contacts and resources.</p>
<p>Unsuccessful attempts at building a time machine</p>
<p>oops. didn`t catch the part about it being a research paper.</p>
<p>yeah i need a broad topic.. i can't write a research paper on unsuccessful attempts at building a time machine..but i can write what basic thermodynamics is but i don't wonna do it on that.
I need some ideas like that like one or 2 word topics</p>
<p>Eh. Global warming?</p>
Forces and Motion
Heat (Thermodynamics
Infrared Light
Doppler Effect</p>
Environmental Pollution
Food Science</p>
<p>u should title ur project: "Why <insert teacher=""> always shows up drunk"</insert></p>
<p>thanks sarorah...
thats the kinda stuff i need anyone else with ideas?</p>