Need a plan !!! .. Plzz help

<p>I am writing the may 2009 SAT exam . I have recently purchased a few books for SAT prep. I need some help to figure out, which of the books should be used for the respective sections , and give me a time table i need to follow using these books. Alo please let me know the order in which i need to use these books .</p>

<p>1 - The official SAT guide
2 - Rocket Revolution 2006-2007
3 - Gruber's Complete SAT Guide 2009 (Gruber's Complete SAT Guide -12th Edition)
4 - Grammatix
5 - Barron's SAT 2400: Aiming for the Perfect Score
6 - Princeton review 11 practice tests
7 - Princeton Review cracking the SAT</p>

<p>Please helpme out with my respective queries ASAP ..
Thanx in advance</p>

<p>Wow, I definitely think you did a nice job choosing this list: great choices! First, a note about each book:</p>

<li>The Official SAT Guide (also known as Blue Book or BB): best for practice, of course.</li>
<li>RR: IMHO, best for approach to Critical Reading <em>passages.</em></li>
<li>Gruber’s: Best and most complete for Math. Don’t spend much time on other stuff; other sources are better for reading and vocab, for instance. </li>
<li>Grammatix: Seems somewhat hit-and-miss: for some people, it’s a revelation; for other people, it’s doesn’t help much. It’s short though, so definitely try it and see if it works for you.</li>
<li>Barrons 2400: Pretty good on writing; one awesome trick on reading that tells you how to break long passages into short passages (the way they present this idea is extremely confusing but the tactic itself works really well). Don’t have the book here, or I’d give you the page number.</li>
<li>Good for when you run out of real exams. Don’t freak out when your score seems to drop: the grading here seems to be harder.</li>
<li>I don’t know much about this book 'cause I don’t teach from it; haven’t needed to. </li>

<p>For CR, what I’d do: read Rocket Review on CR, carefully, and get a sense of the approach they recommend. Then read Barrons SAT 2400 carefully, doing the same thing. Then practice. As you practice, continue to reread your guidebooks, making sure that you are following the correct approach and trying to glean new strategies each time. For guidance about how to practice, etc., check out the Xiggi thread.
For vocab: you don’t say anything about words on this list. Do you have a plan? You can use mine, though people are probably tired of me posting about it, so just PM me if you want. Otherwise Word Smart is very good. You should probably look at a list of 300-500 words, at least.
Forget about the PR stuff until you run out of Blue Book stuff.
For Gruber’s, work through the big ol’ comprehensive math review at the back. If you miss a question, put it on a flash card. Study the 101 most important math questions, too. Make sure that you know them awesomely well, awesomely fast. Then just work through the practice tests. If you want, you can put those problems on cards, as well. </p>

<p>All these are just my opinions, of course.</p>

<p>How much time you should spend on math, how much on CR, and how much on W depends on your particular score, goals, etc.</p>

<p>ny1 else ??</p>

<p>This has been done many times. Search button yields more answers.</p>