Need advice about Finance vs Accounting

<p>If I were to major in Finance for my undergrad, how much of the curriculum is actually theory of finances and investment? Or is most of it the rules and regulations and how to sell my investment if i were an Investment Banker/ Financial Adviser ( just as an example)?</p>

<p>In accounting what are the differences in study and curriculum compared to finance? What are the occupational outlook differences? Just a total break down of each spectrum between the two would be of help? I'm in a pickle...</p>

<p>Accounting is to study how to record and report business activities, Finance is to analyze the outcomes of the accountants and to make investment decisions. Both are related and not separable. At the advanced level study, Finance requires more mathmatical modeling and statistics whereas Accounting is more regulation related study, such as AICPA rules and regulations.</p>

<p>As far as occupational outlook, at the top level, either profession makes a lot of money. However, finance has almost unlimited income potential, because one deal could make 100’s millions and accounting is some what limited because you only have so much time in a day you can sell. Very few people can make to the top, so, it all depends what you want to do, both are pretty analytical at the end, but with a different slant.</p>