Need Advice for Berkeley Admission Dilemma - Dream School Hangs in the Balance [conditional on summer physics course that is hard to find available seats in]

You cannot SIR to more than 1 UC at the deadline so not I do not understand UCB’s advice.


Nono what I asked if I could accept both admission for both (UCLA and UCB). And UCB told me that’s totally fine…

I guess that’s SIR right?

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Yes, accepting admission is SIR so I would get it in writing from both UCB and UCLA that it is approved to SIR to both. You do not want both admissions rescinded.


I 100% agree your comment. And I just spoke with my community college counselor, and she mentioned that many students have faced a similar situation. According to her, it is possible to accept admission to both UCB and UCLA at this stage. However, she also mentioned that both schools will likely ask for a final commitment later on, giving you the opportunity to choose one of them. Is this correct?

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At least for Freshman, if you have SIR’d to 2 UC’s after the deadline, you will get a warning that you need to withdraw from 1 or risk losing admission to both. I would get permission from both campuses in writing before proceeding. Yes, I have seen this situation in the past but with both campuses approval.


I just spoke with a representative from UC admissions, and he informed me that it is possible to submit the SIR for both schools. However, he emphasized that I must ultimately make a final decision and choose one school by June 9th. Failure to do so may result in losing my chances for admission to both schools. hmm…

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Thank you for the update and information.

I don’t know if this makes sense but usually some students drop out of physics after they start. During the school year this is common but probably not over the summer as much. I would talk to the head of the CC not just the professor and explain the situation. You could also ask the professor if you can sit in on the class until room opens up or something to that effect. So you wouldn’t start the class already behind if someone drops out in week two. Physics over the summer is usually accelerated.

If you do decide to take it elsewhere just make sure it transfers cleanly. Many math and science class do not and some schools are really, really picky about this. Also talk to Berkeley themselves and maybe even one of the physics professors. They might be teaching over the summer or know of someone that is.


What is the class at Berkeley. You should be able to find a like class with a google search. Then you can submit the syllabi for approval.

According to Welcome to ASSIST , transfer to UCB chemistry requires Physics 7A, the first course in the calculus-based physics sequence (that engineering and physics majors may take). The catalog description is “Mechanics and wave motion.”

None of the online community college courses listed at CVC Exchange - Search Results - Powered by Quottly fulfill UCB Physics 7A according to .

UCB does offer Physics 7A this summer, but (as of when this is written) it is full with 2 students on the wait list: 2023 Summer PHYSICS 7A 001 LEC 001 | Course Catalog

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I don’t know - grasping at straws but would 2400 at Michigan Tech work? Obviously, the student would have to submit for pre approval. I listed Rutgers. PHYS 2020 at Bowling Green, etc. Grasping at straws - no clue if this is realistic - but someone has to offer the class.

Online Courses | Physics | Michigan Tech (

Physics Courses – Department of Physics (

Courses and Programs (

MTU Physics 2400 does not match – it does not include mechanics.

BGSU Physics 2020 does not match – it is not for physics or engineering majors.

The Rutgers course that might match would be 50:750:131+133, though it depends on which topics are covered in 131 versus 132. Although physics sequences generally start with mechanics, other topics like waves, heat, etc. may be covered in different order in different physics departments, so transfer credit may not be exactly course to course (a student would need to complete an entire sequence to cover all of the topics).

Another option (our MA high school accepted all courses from this online high school and even joined as a school member):
VHS Learning | Home

I don’t know if it matches requirements though.

Just to piggy back on this. My son took Physics 2 in the summer at a local CC. His school needed to see the syllabus and final test for approval. He finally went to a known CC with prior approval an hour minutes away to get this class through his school. They were very nit picky on what they wanted. So yes, getting the right requirements can be tricky.

I need to complete an English course and Physics 7A and 7B to meet the admission requirements for UC Berkeley. I have already applied for the English course in the summer session, and I’m currently on the waitlist for a community college that offers both Physics 7A and 7B. I’ve checked all the community colleges in my area, but I couldn’t find a class that covers both requirements at the same time. I’ve been in regular contact with the professor, but they haven’t been able to give me a definite answer yet.

I have already spoken to the dean, and she informed me that she does not have the authority to secure a spot for me in the class. I’m wondering who I should reach out to in order to facilitate my enrollment in the class. I always assumed the dean was the highest authority in this matter, but it seems that there might be someone else I should contact.

Normally, Physics 7B lists Physics 7A as a prerequisite, along with multivariable calculus as a prerequisite or corequisite. Physics 7B is heat, electricity, and magnetism. It is not likely that you will find one course that covers both of these, since the material is 8 semester credit units worth. The English course would be another 4 semester credit units worth, so even if you got off all of the wait lists for the courses, that would be 12 semester credit units worth in a summer session in which a full time course load would normally be 8 semester credit units worth (since a summer session is about half the length of a regular semester).

Looks like the best option is to SIR to UCLA, since going to UCB requires multiple unlikely things to happen:

  • You get off the wait list for all three of the needed courses (and the college with Physics 7B allows taking it before completing Physics 7A).
  • You successfully complete all three of the needed courses that are greater than a full time course load.

You can still ask UCB for an SIR deadline extension until after you know whether you get into all three of the needed courses, in case the unlikely thing happens and you can get into all three and are willing to chance an overload schedule and taking Physics 7B without previously completing Physics 7A.


I’m still wondering if the OP can ask UCB if they can start in the winter/spring instead, which would give them an extra quarter to meet their requirements – assuming UCB says yes and the OP is okay with delaying their start.


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