Need advice for UC application

So I’m currently working on my UC application and I’ve reached the extracurriculars portion. I’ve just realized I have very little extracurricular activities. When I was a freshman, I discovered a local organization in my town named SAM Academy (stands for Science Art Music). I decided to check them out and I applied to their Youth Art Cohort (group). I on went to create two giant murals with them–one the back of their building. To give some background, my youth Art Cohort and I visited the Sanger Nature Center to get some sketches on the Kings River (a major river of south-central California). We noticed the terrible conditions it was in–from immense water pollution to poorly maintained grass, etc. My group and I decided to create a mural portraying the river in these conditions as a form of protest. The mural on the back of their building garnered quite an amount of attention that the City Council personally asked us to create another one and to put it up in the City (they asked us on my sophomore year). This of course had me thrilled. This time we decided to paint a beautiful river surrounded by a beautiful scenery to show how we wanted it to look like to promote change. We worked on the mural all my sophmore year to the summer before my senior year (yes I know we a took a very long time but we were very serious about this). Now, these murals weren’t the only things I did under this organization. I was also a coleader in hosting a free haunted house at SAM Academy to all residents in the city of Sanger (this was my junior year), and we’re doing it again this year. Every summer throughout my High School years SAM Academy held science camps for elementary and middle school students. I received a paid internship every camp. I received my own group of small students to lead in every summer camp. We taught different aspects of biology and of coastal exploration. At the end of the week, we’d embark on field trip to practice the things we taught them (hands-on experience). For example, we went to Morrow Bay to examine and study the tide pools using scientific equipment. I even work for them now and work at all events they have scheduled. This year, we’re going to paint traffic boxes to show and emphasize that Sanger is the nation’s Christmas tree City (we’ve gained City approval). Also, we’ve gone to the city council many times to protest the many flaws of the city and its infrastructure and we made the front page of the city’s local newspaperI (my name was mentioned). I could go on and on the things I have done with them voluntarily and paid. I’ve gained a lot of work experience as well since I have a job there now. My question is: is it bad that I’ve only committed to one organization throughout high school? I kind of feel bad that I never participated in my school clubs other than CSF and Spanish Honors Society. I apologize if I presented myself as boastful, I just wanted to really show what I do with this organization. How can I showcase all of this on my UC application? Is this even impressive or am I getting ahead of myself? I really apologize for making this so long, I’m just having trouble on presenting myself on the UC application. Any advice–even critical–would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

ECs are a minor factor and your list looks more than adequate. GPA. SAT/ACT and course rigor are FAR more important. As long as you are competitive on those fronts, you’ll be fine. I’d add that ECs are no substitute for grades and test scores.

What are your stats, intended major and which UCs are you applying to.

It’s my understanding that a small number of ECs that you are deeply into is better than a lot of ECs that you spent little time with. You are so deep into yours that if you can weave some of that into your essays it could come off very strongly. Also, the space might be limited for EC explanation, but do more than just list the EC and a title; try to explain the scope of what you did as best you can.