I have never actually posted on a forum before so I’m not sure how to start this. Basically today was supposed to be my college graduation. I am an education major, passed all state tests and received an A in student teaching. There was one problem, I could not pass a geometry course. I received an incomplete due to family issues and could not pass the required test to remove my incomplete. In the end, I’m walking but not technically graduating until the course is complete in December. I am fine with this. I didn’t perform like I should have, and now I have to suffer the consequences. My problem is that my mom is so upset. She went to my university without my knowledge and confronted this professor. I was called down to a meeting with my mother, the dean, the registrar, and professor. For some reason, my mom thought that causing a scene would get the professor to change my grade. I began to cry and walked out with the dean’s permission. My mom is so upset that I left her, she won’t even watch me walk today. Like I said, I’ve never posted anything before, so I feel silly. I just want to know if anyone has any advice on how to repair our relationship. I deeply regret walking out.
Time…give it a little. Then try to sit with mom and explain that you love her, but need to deal with this yourself, as an adult. Let her know you left bc you were embarrassed, not of her, but bc of the impression that you needed your mommy. You seem very mature, accepting the consequences.
You weren’t wrong. You can’t have her doing this when you get a job. It will be even worse. You have to be firm, but loving,
I’m sorry your mom will not be there to support you today. Unfortunately she will probably regret her choice eventually. It sounds like you are handling this situation well. I can imagine it must have been very embarrassing when you were caught off-guard like that. Explain to your Mom that your situation is not all that unusual- a lot of students walk and then officially graduate later. Tell her you have worked hard to get this far and explain how much it would mean to have her with you at graduation. I hope she changes her mind.