Need Advice on Which College to Pick - DS1 likes math, physics and engineering

I am new to CC, so may not use all the correct terms. DS 1 goes to a private school in Houston, Texas and has been accepted to:
Emory (Oxford)
Texas A&M Honors Engineering
UT Austin Dean’s Scholars Honors Program for Math
Also accepted to Baylor and Trinity (in San Antonio).

Texas A&M has given him lots of merit money ($42,000), and we don’t know about scholarships from UT Austin yet. SMU has given him merit money too. Oxford and Haverford would be full pay.

Money issues aside, which of these would you pick for a student who truly loves math, but also might want to study engineering. From what we know, switching into engineering at UT Austin is next to impossible. Any advice would be much appreciated from people who know some or all of these schools.

I’d probably lean to TAMU. Great engineering (and I would guess math program) and a lively alumni association,

Haveford and Oxford do not have their own engineering programs so I would exclude those right off. Looks like some amazing choices at great prices!!! How wonderful! Congrats.

Haverford has 4+1 Engineering Masters with Penn which many people take advantage of.

Based on math alone, I’d recommend Haverford. If your son could arrange a path towards engineering through Penn (as suggested above), even better.