<p>Okay, let me know what you guys think of my idea:</p>
<p>Considering the fact that I was rejected from the UC's I really wanted to attend (mostly due to my low GPA - 2.84), I'm considering staying at my CC for another year while trying to bring up my grades. The problem is that I don't have any D's but I do have 5 C's (Chem 1A, Physics 4A, Calc 3B, Calc 3C, and linear).I know that I can't retake any C's but has anyone ever heard of asking their professors to change their grade to a D? I mean I could replace the grade points while keeping the same units hence raising my GPA. And for 3/5 classes I had B's going into the finals so I know I can do better...</p>
<p>My second question is this... I received an A in physics 4B and a B in chem 1B so can I go backwards and retake the prerequisites or is there some rules against that? Any advice or comments would be really appreciated. Thanks!</p>
<p>PS. By no means I am trying to whine or complain about not being accepted into the schools of my choice, simply looking for a way to bring up my GPA (already finished all prereq's and IGETC... I have over 100 units and 1 and 2 unit classes can only bring up my grades so much)</p>
<p>Also sorry for posting in the 'UC Transfer' forum but you guys are by far the most active and most helpful in my opinion..</p>
<p>There’s not much you can do. You can always take other UC transferrable classes to bring your GPA up. But to be honest, I would just move on.</p>
<p>Hmm your situation is interesting. I do know what you mean about wanting to change the C’s to D’s though. You would be able to get Academic Renewal then. However, if you’re planning on going to grad school, D’s and F’s will really hurt your chances. I’m going to end up hurting hard when it comes to grad school. I had a terrible first semester at my CCC. Thank god for AR for now lol. </p>
<p>I think you could possibly meet with your professors and see what they think. Explain to them your situation, and maybe they’ll be sympathetic. </p>
<p>Also, I think that if you aren’t happy with anywhere else that you were admitted, you should stay 1 last year at CCC. If you can pull mostly A’s for 2 more semesters, I would think that you could get in everywhere other than UCB and UCLA most likely. You could probably TAG too. </p>
<p>As for retaking prereqs, you should check with a counselor. I doubt you can do that, esp because you’ve already taken the classes that follow in the sequence, but it’s worth a shot.</p>
<p>edbraga: Move on as in just settle for another school or take more UC transferable classes to bring up my grades and forget about the whole grade changing idea? Sorry I’m just a little unclear as to what you meant.</p>
<p>emilsinclair9: Thanks for the input and yeah I will definitely talk to my instructors and counselors and see what they say. But no, Berkeley and LA waived good bye to me a long time ago… I’m was aiming for UCI, UCSD, and UCSB.</p>
<p>What I’m trying to say is that you CAN bring up your GPA but it’s a waste of time doing so(IMO). You’ve already got a 100+ units under your belt and you’re going for another year? I think it’s time that you accept things the way they are because you can’t retake classes in which you passed. Also, inflating your GPA with unnecessary/extra courses seems like a waste of a year to me. But it’s my opinion, you can do w/e you want, your call.</p>
<p>edbraga: I gotcha… Thanks for the advice and opinions.</p>
<p>wait… can’t you only have up to 90 units to transfer to a UC??</p>
<p>it’s around like 70 units for most UC’s, the rest just goes toward subject credit.</p>
<p>Hi shell! yes up to 90 UC-transferrable units is max. </p>
<p>lmendoza - I honestly think you shouldn’t waste your time re-taking classes or trying to raise your GPA. A professor changing a passing grade to a D at your request is unheard of and I doubt anyone would do that. If I were you i would kick ass at a CSU then apply for grad/professional school.</p>
<p>hi matt!!</p>
<p>yeah that’s what I though haha… Lmendoza your GPA wasn’t great but it wasn’t terrible for UCSB… maybe you didn’t get in because you’ve taken so many units… I think you should go to a state school like matt said, that’s probably where I’ll end up, I haven’t heard from anywhere :(</p>
<p>Shelly did you make quesadillas today? Still no updates on your admissions??
Yes CSU’s are fantastic universities!</p>
<p>haha ofcourse I did! and no… the UCs hate me… they are waiting to reject me on the last day…</p>
<p>What the hell!! Did you try calling any of them? That is ridiculous!! You’re majoring in physics right?</p>
<p>yes I am… and everytime I call all they say is “your application hasn’t been evaluated yet”, I’m not missing any pre-reqs, I finished IGETC, my GPA is decent (for SB and D anyways) and I have like 71 units… so I don’t know what is TAKING so long!! If i’m f u c k ed out of going to school next year I just want to know!!</p>
<p>DId you at least apply for backups? like CSU?</p>
<p>no because after that mess happened with UCSB last year the admissions people told me start out that they liked me and they wanted me at their school and basically made it sound like if I just kept my grades up and applied again I would be admitted for this year… that doesn’t appear to be the case
and I thought (foolishly apparently) that my stats were good enough for SB or davis</p>
<p>and I’m really upset because it’s not my fault I couldn’t go last year… it’s not like I failed a class or something</p>
<p>*****ing shat! That really sucks a55! You can always stay at your ccc and apply for usc spring transfer or better yet join the Army!</p>
<p>no… I’ll have too many units… GAH i’m so mad… if I don’t get in i’ll have to wait a WHOLE year and go to a state school next fall I guess… but really if I don’t get in I’m going to drive down to SB and FIND the lady that I was talking to last year/all summer and make her accept me haha… she even called me over summer to see how I was doing!! but life goes on I guess, worse things could happen</p>