Need ALL advice/quick help for CALS- Before my Monday Deadline!

<p>Hey all, so currently I am a freshman in a Horticulture Major (Plant), and I am looking to transfer into CALS into their "Agricultural Sciences" major. Currently I am taking all of their required prep. courses, along with a Horticulture Class with lab, and a Horticulture seminar.</p>

<p>So I am going to be transferring for Sophomore year (For Fall 2009), so I plan to submit my application around January or so. My question is:</p>

<p>I am deciding on switching my major to "Biology" in my current college. Will that raise suspicion as to why I changed into a Bio major, and am transferring over to an Agricultural Sciences major? I was just going to keep my Hort major my entire first year, but the class schedule is literally limited to nighttime, and it conflicts so much with my other classes that I can't fit some in.</p>

<p>Basically, if we transfer, won't they only see my first semester stuff when making a decision? My first semester major will be Horticulture along with Hort classes, etc., so it makes sense transferring into an Agricultural Sciences major. But if I switch into a Bio major for my second semester here, they see that too and maybe decline me/look at me a little more negatively? Or will they already have made a decision by the time they see my second semester stuff?</p>

<p>Basically if I switch my major right now for my second semester into "biology", will that be seen negatively if I am transferring into "Agricultural Sciences?"</p>

<p>Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>Thanks for all the help!</p>

<p>First off, it depends when you send your transcript in. If you send it after you’ve changed your major then they’ll see you as a Bio major. However, more than your major, they care about the classes that you’ve taken. And since you’ve taken classes that are similar to what you want to transfer into, that’ll be good.</p>

<p>If you want to switch into bio at your current school then why aren’t you applying for bio in CALS?</p>

<p>Yeah, but I remember reading something about sending in mid year stuff? Basically what I’m asking is, what time frame do they base their decision on? 1st semester stuff I’m guessing since we send our app in around then? Or do they also make a decision based on 2nd semester stuff, but that doesn’t make sense because 2nd semester stuff gets finished late in the year…</p>

<p>I’m guessing I have to go ask my shool how it works out, but:
Right now registration is happening in my college to register for Spring classes, so I can go fill out a form and have my major changed right now, but I’m guessing the transcript I send to Cornell will have the new major on it then, not Horticulture. If I wait until this semester is over, and then switch majors, then they will see the Hort major on my transcript since I am changing it afterwards.</p>

<p>I am trying to decide that too, if I should apply for bio in CALS or not.</p>

<p>I don’t know anything about transfer admissions, but the Biological Sciences major in CALS is significantly more competitive than the Agricultural Sciences major for freshman admissions.</p>