Need answers asap IB engineering vs AP engineering

I need opinions! To begin I must inform you that I will most likely pursue a career in engineering in my future, however I am not certain. So I must decide, AP, or IB? I was accepted into a magnet IB high school, which also includes the middle years program and the IB diploma program. My other option has PLTW as an option. These are engineering classes that I enjoy very much. I have done 1 so far… SO, should I go to the magnet IB program, because that would be more elite, or would engineering colleges end up liking it more if I took many AP classes and the engineering classes? From what I understand IB would not be very helpful for engineering, but the fact that the high school is selective may boost my chances of getting into an engineering college. I am also not very sure that I want to pursue engineering but I most likely will. Any ways, I need opinions from people. Thanks!

My daughter was accepted to the following schools into engineering:

Clemson University
Northeastern University
Purdue University
University of Texas
University of Pittsburgh
Texas A&M University
University of Alabama

She is an IB Diploma candidate and so far none of the schools seem to have a problem with the IB curriculum and one school in particular seems to embrace that IB has made her a more diverse thinker perhaps than traditional AP classes. She is also taking AP Calculus BC and I do know most of the engineering AOs she talked to did suggest she take it senior year.

My husband is an engineer and after looking at her math from IB Math Studies (I know, I know–it’s considered the “easiest” of the IB math options but her school does not have HL Math and this was her only option if she wanted to take AP Calc BC her senior year) he says the advanced statistics and practical math she learned is the math he tends to use more on a daily basis.

Good luck!

Pick the program that appeals to you the most. Both will be considered highly rigorous and neither will limit your college options. Just make good grades, prep for your standardized tests, participate in extra curricular activities and community service, and take on leadership roles. If you go IB, make math and physics or chemistry your HLs. Try to get AP Calc in either way.

Like @carachel2 , my IB kiddo has been accepted to top engineering programs.

Will the fact that it’s a magnet program benefit me in any way?

I’m a rookie (i.e. just one kid having gone through admissions this year)–but I don’t think the schools will care much that it is a magnet. What matters more is your class choices and how well you do in them PLUS your test scores and ECs.

So then it would be better to take AP and the engineering classes, since they are obviously geared more towards engineering? Since the only reason im considering IB is because it is a higher level than usual?

Again, the fact that it is geared toward engineering won’t matter much for admissions, nor will the fact that the IB program is an elite magnet program. Take the one that interests you the most.

Do you want to take engineering classes or do you want all the extra challenge that comes with IB (EE, CAS, IAs, TOK, EAs, etc.)?

Look–don’t take IB just because it is a “higher level than usual.” You will likely be miserable. It is a level of thoughtful analysis that will be painful for you if it isn’t something you WANT to do. Students should choose IB because they want to be exposed to different way of learning and to a broader view…NOT because it will look good on paper.

IB vs. AP won’t give you much of a leg up in admissions.

Where do you specifically want to go to college?

@carachel2 Wow & Congrats -can you tell us het stats for getting into all those engineer schools ?