need-blind colleges

<p>if a college is not need-blind, that means they take into account whether you can pay or not, correct? does anyone know how MUCH consideration they weigh?
(this questions applies particularly for BOWDOIN and WASHU in st louis for me)</p>

<p>also, are there colleges that are need-aware, but meet full demonstrated need for accepted students?</p>

<p>Need aware colleges use their need-awareness in different ways. Some might say no to a weak candidate who has high need, while others might use their awareness of need to try to build a balanced class within the constraints of a budget. So, it depends.</p>

<p>As for WashU, I know a couple students there who have a relatively high need. They were top students, and they were accepted despite their need. I know that doesn’t actually answer your question … but you can rest assured that at least SOME needy students are there!</p>

<p>And yes, some need aware colleges meet full need. That is often why they are need aware … they want to make sure they manage their resources effectively.</p>