Need Chance Help!!!!

-NHS (Vice President)
-Thespians (Former representative, current assistant clerk, spent ~1000 hours in theater, national honor thespian)
-Student Government: former Sergeant-at-Arms (9) current Senator
-Speech/Debate president (10, 11, 12)
-Former Key Club member
-HOBY alum, unanimously selected to attend HOBY World Leadership Congress, HOBY Junior Staff
-Attending Boys State
-Youth Advisory Board member and former chair
-Former member of Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
-Proposed a teen center that was approved and over $8m has been budgeted for it
-I served on several city campaigns {who both won :-)}
-Served on steering committee to name a new middle school being built</p>


<p>-3.6 Un-weighed ~4.1 weighed (top 10%)
-AP AM History in junior year (don’t know results of test)
-2-3 AP's next year
-Everything else honors
- 1590 SAT

-Public School in Florida (Brand new school Ill be 5th class to graduate so there aren’t too many AP's or EC's... many are newly formed)
-Slovak Heritage (3rd generation)
-Father is disabled Vietnam Veteran</p>


<p>HYPS (just for fun)
DARTMOUTH <------ Dream!!!
Wabash College
Marietta College
Florida Southern College
Stetson University</p>

<p>i'm assuming that your 1590 SAT is out of 2400. after all, it's 2007... given that, and given your 3.6 GPA, you aren't getting into HYPS (i wouldn't even apply). i'd give dartmouth ED a shot but would not have high expectations.</p>

<p>the only thing in your ECs that stands out is theater. you spent 1000 hours on it? now that's commitment</p>

<p>Yea Dartmouth is wayy tooo much of a reach.</p>

<p>of the others:
Stetson: match
Florida southern: safety
Florida: reach. </p>

<p>Have u considered several other schools in florida just in case UF dosnt work out? FSU (match), ROllins (safety), UM (reach), UCF (safety), USF (safety)</p>

<p>my guess would be that Wabash and Marrietta are safeties for u.</p>