-NHS (Vice President)
-Thespians (Former representative, current assistant clerk, spent ~1000 hours in theater, national honor thespian)
-Student Government: former Sergeant-at-Arms (9) current Senator
-Speech/Debate president (10, 11, 12)
-Former Key Club member
-HOBY alum, unanimously selected to attend HOBY World Leadership Congress, HOBY Junior Staff
-Attending Boys State
-Youth Advisory Board member and former chair
-Former member of Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
-Proposed a teen center that was approved and over $8m has been budgeted for it
-I served on several city campaigns {who both won :-)}
-Served on steering committee to name a new middle school being built</p>
<p>-3.6 Un-weighed ~4.1 weighed (top 10%)
-AP AM History in junior year (dont know results of test)
-2-3 AP's next year
-Everything else honors
- 1590 SAT
-Public School in Florida (Brand new school Ill be 5th class to graduate so there arent too many AP's or EC's... many are newly formed)
-Slovak Heritage (3rd generation)
-Father is disabled Vietnam Veteran</p>
<p>HYPS (just for fun)
DARTMOUTH <------ Dream!!!
Wabash College
Marietta College
Florida Southern College
Stetson University</p>