Need course advice-Comp Sci and Poly Sci

<p>My son is considering getting a dual degree in computer science and political science. I know most kids change their major, so I figure let him start with both and then make the decision after freshman year which (if either or both) he wants to stick with. Due to AP credits, he has covered a lot of the first semester Comp Sci requirements and also the freshman English and first semester Political Science. So if he moves the second semester courses into first semester, here is what it would look like with the hours for that course in parenthesis after:</p>

<p>Engin 131 (1)
Math 126 (4)
Comp Sci 250 (2)
Comp Sci 260 (3)- is taking Comp Sci AB this year, but there is no longer an AP exam so he won’t have credit even though he will have had the material
Engin 111 (1)
Comp Sci 121 (1)
Poli Sci 102 (3)</p>

<p>My concern is that even though this is only 15 hours, it appears to be 7 classes. What are these one hour courses like? Lots of homework? Is this a reasonable schedule? Organization is a bit of an issue with him. I would really love to hear from experienced parents/students as to whether this is an ok plan. I forgot that he will also need an Honors class or are some of these offered as Honors? If he did outdoor action or Alabama action, does that count as honors? </p>

<p>Please feel free to make schedule suggestions and point out things I totally overlooked. I appreciate the help!</p>

<p>One of my son’s majors is poli sci. He recommends taking a 200-level class if your son has 101 credit. He liked 205, Political Theory, unless it’s with Dr. Miller. </p>

<p>If your son wants an honors version of Math 126, he needs to wait until the spring and it is Math 146.</p>

<p>Alabama Action/Outdoors Action are one-hour honors classes. As a parent of an OOS student, I highly recommend taking this class. My son knew no one when he went to Alabama. (We live in Virginia). AA gave him a built-in group of friends. It’s nearly graduation, and he remains friends with many students from AA.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info. On the poli sci, i think 102 is required, but he would take 205 later.</p>

<p>Do you reco waiting for the honors version of math?<br>
We are VA too- Fairfax County. </p>

<p>Anyone with info on the comp Sci and engineering classes?</p>

<p>My son said that 101 is a requirement, not 102 for most classes. He had 101 credit entering UA, and he took 205 as a freshman in the fall. He had BC credit, so he did not take Math 126/146.</p>

<p>My S just finished up all those intro engg/Comp Sci courses. He didn’t have any problems with them. He, too, had something like 8 different classes. The main issue will be keeping everything straight and knowing when things are due for the different classes.</p>

<p>Your son may be able to take Engg 142 in place of the Engg 131/141 series - not sure the requirements there, but that will give him honors credit, as well.</p>

<p>Is your son an incoming frosh? If so, then have him put CS as his primary major for scholarship purposes. He can only list one major before he enrolls, and then he can add the second major after school starts. </p>

<p>CS is in the College of Eng’g, so it requires all of the Freshman Eng’g Program classes. So, all start with all of those classes.</p>

<p>Those one credit classes aren’t difficult, not a lot of homework.</p>

<p>tjmom, explain what you mean by:<br>
“Comp Sci 260 (3)- is taking Comp Sci AB this year, but there is no longer an AP exam so he won’t have credit even though he will have had the material”.</p>

<p>Does UA no longer accept this AP exam, or does your high school not offer this test, or ???</p>

<p>The Computer Science A test definitely still exists and with a 4 Alabama gives credit for CS 150, CS 160 & CS 250. (The Computer Science AB test was phased out by the College Board after the 2008-2009 school year.)</p>

<p>The one hour engineering classes were no trouble at all. </p>

<p>Your S doesn’t need to wait for the honors-level calculus class. He can just get started with the regular one. Otherwise, what would he take instead?</p>

<p>My D took her first honors seminar class last term. It was a fabulous class called “First-person Writing”. She enjoyed the class and the teacher, Carolyn Mason. The class was recommended by M2CK’s son. Thank you!!</p>

<p>My D took her first honors seminar class last term. It was a fabulous class called “First-person Writing”. She enjoyed the class and the teacher, Carolyn Mason. The class was recommended by M2CK’s son. Thank you!!</p>

<p>Yes, Carolyn Mason is really good and supportive. </p>

<p>My son really enjoyed her. The class was a nice change. In the past, students are taught not to write in the First Person, so this was a new experience.</p>

<p>Yes, son took AP Comp Sci A and got a 5 on that exam his sophomore year. He is taking what used to be called AP Comp Sci AB, but as payingforcollegex4 noted, it is no longer a course that offers an AP exam. So even though he will have had the material, I don’t know of a way for him to get credit for the course so would take it again. If someone knows otherwise, please chime in!</p>

<p>Mom2collegekids, can you please tell me how he changes his major? He has already been admitted to UA and Honors College and already done the scholarship application. He went back to Mybama but couldn’t figure out where to change it from poli Sci to comp Sci. Thanks!</p>

<p>He is going to need to take 260, and honestly, it is probably a good place to start. Not taking the cs classes he will AP out of will leave him with a little bit of catch up to do. My son had the exact same issue as yours, had the AP class for AB, but the test was not available. He just considered it a head start on the class. </p>

<p>I would recommend he try to familiarize himself with Python if he has not used it before. </p>

<p>The one credit classes were not a problem for my ds, except as everyone has noted- keeping them straight and the assignments straight. It is just a lot of classes/profs/ days to remember. </p>

<p>If he can, try to take engr142. Gets rid of one of those 1 credit classes, and he earns an H credit. </p>

<p>Also, has he looked at university scholars since he is coming in with so many credits?</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>To change major…</p>

<p>Go to MyBama</p>

<p>Click on Academics tab</p>

<p>Scroll down left column</p>

<p>the link to change major will be found there.</p>

<p>what scholarship had he previously qualified for?</p>

Undergraduate Admissions</p>

<p>Application for Admission
Check Admission Application Status
Major List
Academic Catalog
Cost of Attendance
International Admissions
I-20 Document Status
Become an Alabama VIP
Application Major Change <------------------ there it is
Admitted Undergraduate Students</p>

<p>Submit Freshman Enrollment Deposit
Orientation Registration
Bama Bound Evaluation
Math Assessment
The Honors College</p>

<p>Honors College Application
University Fellows Application
Graduate Admissions</p>

<p>Application Instructions
Check Application Status
Academic Catalog
Law School Admissions</p>

Check Application Status</p>

<p>He is a NMSF - hoping he will be a finalist ( guidance counselor very unsure what she was supposed to do so who knows!). Don’t remember the name of the scholarship, but it is four years tuition </p>

<p>Thanks so much for your help both clines and mom!</p>

<p>The GC was unsure as to what she needed to do? </p>

<p>Oh my. Did she call NMCorp? </p>

<p>I would call NMCorp myself and find out if the GC did what she needed to do. If not, then see if she can still do her part. (If she didn’t do her part, and she didn’t call to find out what is needed, then she needs a lesson on resourcefulness.)</p>

<p>I tried telling her what she needed to do and you could tell she thought I had no idea what I was talking about. I then used my older son’s guidance counselor as a resource and he sent her an email- hoping she listened to him!</p>

<p>This has been interesting- older son had a fabulous guidance counselor who knew all the secrets. Younger one’s GC told one person that he should not apply ED to his top choice as his GPA was slightly below their average accept and “ED is only for those students whose stats far exceed the RD accepted averages” and then I couldn’t keep my mouth shut when during a presentation to senior parents and in response to a parent question, she stated that “no, you don’t HAVE to go to an ED college if they accept you ED if you think it costs too much”.</p>

<p>Thank goodness I have all you guys here to give me info cause I am surely not getting good guidance from the GC!</p>

<p>Actually, you do not have to go to an ED college if they accept you and you decide that you can’t afford it.</p>

<p>Our school system has the policy in place that if you apply ED and they accept you, the school will not send any more transcripts out or any more recommendations. Also, the specific question wasn’t if you CAN’T afford it- what if you decide somewhere else is a better deal and that the ED school isn’t “worth it”. I know you can get out if it is a true financial need situation, but that was not the case here. True that no college can force you to go there, but the selective east coast ED schools all have agreements that if one accepts you ED, the others will no longer accept you. Not sure how they track this (or if it is an idle threat).</p>


<p>I’ll join in the chorus regarding the ease of the 1-hour engineering classes. Including Alabama Action, I had 9 classes this semester (six 1-hour classes and three 4-hour classes, total 18 hours). The biggest thing in ENGR 111 is a short paper (if I recall, it was in late September/early October), and ENGR 131 didn’t involve anything outside of class (also, the class time allotted is 3 hours; we always got out at least an hour early). As for ENGR 142, which has been mentioned, it takes the place of 131 and 141 (141 is normally second-semester). Some friends of mine took it, and while they had to work on a few tough physics-related problems at the beginning of the semester, the class turned into a 3-hour study hall.</p>

<p>Regarding math classes, I had credit for AB but didn’t use it; I had Dr. Greg Knese for MATH 145 (Hon. Cal I), and he was excellent. I probably could have gone straight into regular Cal II, but I’m glad I took the Honors path with it instead - now I can take I, II, and III Honors. If your son prefers Honors-type study (I always have with math), consider going ahead and starting with Honors.</p>

<p>I don’t have much input to give on the counselor/ED application issue. . . haha.</p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>