Need full financial aid as an international student

Are those 3 subjects important for the selective universities in Mongolia?
Is there any way you can include Chinese (or World History)?
Indeed, in the US, Business and IT are not “core” subjects but elective. They’re not considered as academically serious as others. In addition, if you’re interested in Public Policy (and International studies) you’d need a “Humanities/Social Science” subject. It’d also offer better justification and correlate better to studying Public Policy (a major for which your odds are better than Business or IT/CS).
Can you keep Chinese (or World History) or substitute it without endangering your prospects in Mongolia (or other countries)?

Your academic profile is excellent and your GPA close to a 4.0. (Note: a UK B is equivalent to a US A-.) Your extracurriculars are also very good and coordinate well with Public Policy/International Studies.

Yes, when applying to the US, you always have to keep in mind that you might not get into any college.
Are you looking into other countries?
For instance, UToronto has a full ride merit scholarship for internationals - worth looking into.


Looking into other countries is wise. And if you certainly want to study outside of Mongolia, I would encourage you to also look for countries that might have cooperative arrangements with Mongolia. In India, which has excellent English language universities, and some of which include a number of international students (like Delhi University), I believe that they still give preference to students from South Asia, but I’m not sure about how that would work with Mongolia.

Of course - give the US colleges a shot - but you can’t count on them giving both admission and sufficient financial aid.


Alongside the Cambridge curriculum, I also take all the mandatory Mongolian curriculum subjects such social science, mongolian language and traditional script, mongolian literature, civil studies as well. Yeah, I am looking into other countries. Thanks a lot!


Are you one of the top students in Mongolia? If yes, you might get into a top school with a full ride. Do you have a sincere desire to return home and help your country and its people? If yes, how do your educational goals match up with your plan?

This is the route that might lead to a full ride at a prestigious college.


Ok then, these courses should be highlighted by your counselor or the person acting as such wrt applying for Public Policy or something similar (such as PPE).

Your guidance counselor will also need to provide a scale to help colleges evaluate your academic performance - how do you compare to students in your region or in Mongolia? Are you among the best students your school has seen in 10 or 20 years? (etc)

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