Need guidance! :/

<p>Hi, </p>

<p>I am a Junior in high school and I have started to think about my future recently... I play girls basketball and I have been on high school Varsity team for 2 years now. Our team does very well every year and we are watched by many colleges. My teammate (who was recruited into Emery through basketball coach) has recommended me to create a profile so that recruiters can contact me. I feel that basketball may open up a few doors for me to get into a decent college. I'm not sure what I should look at as of college however. I am not looking for an advanced college.. Just a fairly decent one preferably in CA and specialized more in art departments. I am looking to major in some kind of design probably industrial design. I average about a 3.2-3.4 GPA. I am taking the SAT this weekend so the score isn't available yet. </p>

<p>Does anyone have any suggestions, comments, words of advice for me? </p>

1. Comments about my passion for basketball in college
2. My uncertainty for design major (pros and cons)
3. Steps i should take as of a junior in high school right now
4. Possible schools</p>

<p>It is **great **that you are starting to think about college now! Too many kids wait until the last minute and limit their choices accordingly.</p>

<p>Using a good college search tool you can see there are not a ton of schools that offer industrial design as a major:
[College</a> Navigator - Search Results](<a href=“College Navigator - Search Results”>College Navigator - Search Results)</p>

<p>There is a website for industrial design <a href=“”></a> that offers the following advice on selecting a good school: [Choosing</a> a Design School | Industrial Designers Society of America - IDSA](<a href=“]Choosing”></p>

<p>There is a sub-forum here for topics on athletic recruiting, you may get more info from posting there.
[Athletic</a> Recruits - College Confidential](<a href=“]Athletic”>Athletic Recruits - College Confidential Forums)</p>

<p>Some other sources of info for you:
[NASAD</a> Home](<a href=“]NASAD”> The National Association of Schools of Art and Design</p>

<p>The US Bureau of Labor and Statistics - gives great info on occupations, be sure to look through all the tabs!
[Industrial</a> Designers : Occupational Outlook Handbook : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics](<a href=“]Industrial”></p>

<p>Advice: Keep your grades up! Invest time in studying for SAT or ACT etc. Learn about what your family can afford to pay for college. Continue to participate in activities you really enjoy. Keep doing your college research as you go along. See if you can start visiting some colleges to get an idea of what type of environment you might like, you can start with local schools on weekends or days off from school.</p>