Need harsh critique of college essays\

Hi everyone.

I am new to the college admissions game and I need some help badly in knowing what to do in a college essay.

I already wrote some essays, but I doubt if they are good enough. Would anyone be kind enough to be willing to take a look? If so, I can send them to you via private message.

Thanks, and have a good day!


Thank you! I am sending you something via pm.

want me to check?

Sure thanks. Sending you a pm right now.

I’ll take a read!

I’m a rising sophomore in college, send it my way and I’d be happy to critique it.

Thank you guitar321 and viphan for your being willing to help! I am sending you a pm.

I’ll be happy to look at it!

Op be careful about sharing your essays to strangers on the Internet.

ClarinetDad16, Thank you for reminding me that I am in danger of having others stealing my essays. As of now, I am stopping my sharing of essays with anyone whom I do not know personally. Thanks again.