<p>First semester , I adjusted pretty well but I've changed dramatically as a person esp. first going into second and second semester, I did VERY poorly in my classes (out of the scope of what bad is on CC), and now the same mistakes are happening again.</p>
<p>I've never really studied in HS and I did well. In college, I did the same and it's getting me no where. I'm the biggest procrastinator in the world and I end up studying last minute. My schedule sucks and I always end up taking 16-17 credits. Next semester, I'm taking 16 credits but I've fit the classes so that i have fridays off and monday/wednesday almost free so I can find time to study.</p>
<p>What sort of tips/advices/motivations do you have to avoid procrastinating/getting things early? Do you really study before the classes start to get ahead? All of my friends that have really good GPAs do this. </p>
<p>Is it too late to change and pick up my GPA? Currently, I'm a first semester sophomore.</p>
<p>If you tend to procrastinate, having all your classes on TTH seems like a very bad idea…</p>
<p>Are there any TV shows that you watch? Any clubs you’re in or activities you like to do? If there are, say that you need to get x and y done before you can do what you want and save y for after.</p>
<p>Other tips:</p>
<li>Make lists of the things you have to do.</li>
<li>Do things one at a time rather than focusing on everything.</li>
<li>Get enough sleep.</li>
<li>Log off Facebook! </li>
<li>Reward yourself in some way after completing an assignment or doing well.</li>
<p>Hope that helps!</p>
<p>I don’t like to study after 7pm or on the weekends. That’s just my weird little quirk. So I do as much of my school work as possible while on campus, either on downtime or just lock myself in the library. That way, when the weekend rolls around, I’ve done my studying already and can enjoy it.</p>
<p>Find your Achilles heal and do what you need to either overcome it, or my in case, avoid it.</p>
<p>By the way, I got the above tip from Cal Newport’s blog and it works very well for me. Pay that man visit if you haven’t already.</p>
<p>I too was a huge procrastinator in high school. I didn’t have much trouble getting by. I got to college and realized it was a little bit different. My grades suffered first quarter because I realized that studying was important about two weeks before the final. </p>
<p>I overcame my procrastination by setting up study schedules for myself to follow. Like, I tell myself between 4-6 every MWF I will study one class. Another tip is to read the book before class. If you are able to understand everything that is being lectured on, you are way above the rest of the class and your grade will reflect it. </p>
<p>The people who get A’s read the material before class, go to lecture, go to discussion, and occasionally go to office hours. If you want to compete, you need to do the same.</p>
<p>Thanks. I think TTH is better for me though because my schedule is VERY erratic. I have classes 9am-8pm with two 3 hours breaks but for some reason, I can’t seem to finish my studying done because I tend to procrastinate esp. in the beginning of the school year and then classes 11am-8pm. I commute too and it’s takes me about 1 hour and 30 minutes. I’m involved in club activities. I feel like I was just taking too many classes and doing too many things and attending science and engineering seminars when I should have been studying.</p>
<p>I don’t watch TV-- at least until I started college but I’m online often. I have to go on a computer diet :,( </p>
<p>I’m thinking about spending my mondays and wednesdays and fridays in school library, so can maybe have the weekend free but if needed be, I will spend those in school too
<p>I tend to be very forgetful (I think it might be related to my anemia) but I’m not sure. I suppose going over the material, before and after class sounds very good.</p>