Need Help/Advice on picking what bs-dds program to attend

Hi, I am a senior in high school with a dilemma on what bs-dds/dmd program to choose?
I have been accepted into NovaSoutheastern 4+4,Pacific 2+3 bs dds,UPitt GAP 4+4 dental, and have received an interview from CWRU 3+4.
I have personally narrowed it down to Pacific and UPitt but I am unsure. Any pieces of advice and suggestions on where to go would be very helpful?

Is NS decision already out ? If you dont mind when did you hear from NS and how did you know if was 4+4 and not 3+4 ? I thought we get to pick one later?

@Bzkjrnflk Congratulations on your multiple acceptances. My kid has applied to Nova Southeastern but still awaiting an interview. When did you know about your decision ? Are there any tips you can share with us ? Thank you and congrats again. :slight_smile:

Hi! Think about your location preferences, budget, and what you want to eventually be (either GP or specialize). I’m applying next fall for bs/dds so if you could provide any tips for me that would be great!

@Bzkjrnflk Congratulations - thats awesome. So which one did you finalize on? My DD is applying this fall - can you share your stats please and any tips?