<p>Ok, so here is my situation. My HS cancelled AP Physics C, because there wasn't enough students that wanted to take it. However, another high school that is about 15 min away has Physics C with an AMAZING teacher. I attended a Saturday session for Physics B with him and I was amazed at how well he taught. So, I really want to learn Physics from this teacher but the problem is, I have a class 3rd period (which ends 11:50) and his class is 4th period (begins 11:55) with a 15 minute travel gap between my high school and his. I already have approval from the district and the teacher to take the class. I am also reliant on my parents for transportation since i dont have my license yet. So, I need some help on how to make this all work. Here some ideas I came up with but I need you guys' help to come up with more.</p>
<p>1) Leave ~10min before 3rd period ends but this requires me going there and coming back everyday
2) Set up a camera in his classroom to stream his lessons and go there only for labs. I dont know if he will approve this or not. I also don't know what camera and what system in the internet to use if it is approved.</p>
<p>Will greatly appreciate any new solutions or improvements on my solutions. Thank you for reading this. Feel free to ask questions. I will answer ASAP.</p>
<p>^ I see what you mean by saying #2 is pointless but I can always go to him during his tutoring sessions if I have any questions. I just LOVE his explanations.</p>
<p>Thank your parent and your third period teacher for allowing you to do #1.
You should take on extra chores at home and be an especially diligent student in your 3rd period class.
What you propose is very doable, my friend used to bike back and forth for an AP class on another campus.</p>
<p>Do you know what your 3rd period class is? I couldn’t see a teacher allowing a student leave their class early every day all year. Could you show up to the other class 10 minutes late? Neither are very promising, but it’s worth a shot. Talk to your counselor.</p>
<p>^ I’m actually taking a Pharmacy tech class that is part of the Health Science Magnet at my HS. It occupies both 2nd period and 3rd period. Plus, I’ve know the teacher for the class for a couple of years now.</p>
<p>shouldnt be too big a deal if its a 2 period class. i was always 5 minutes late to APUSH and the teacher didnt mind because i was better at history than anyone else in the school and would frequently joke with him and actively participate during the parts of class i was actually there</p>
A Muslim student in one of my classes last year came in 5-10 minutes late every day from prayer, and the teacher didn’t mind. So it’s not out of the question.</p>
<p>@cellist That’s a totally different situation though. He’s doing that as part of his religion; what the OP wants to do isn’t something that the teacher/school has to let him do…</p>
<p>^Well, it was mostly the principle of the thing. I just meant that missing a fraction of class time is in the realm of possibility. I actually could imagine a teacher letting a student do that, no matter if the reason is religion or joint enrollment.</p>