Need help and Tips. Transferring

<p>Hello, My Name is Kevin and I am new to this and a little confused on how to use this. Well let me get straight to the point. I am currently enrolled in a two year community college. I am planning on transferring to my dream school University of Miami. Now I want to see what I would have to do to have a chance.</p>

<p>I don't have the strongest chances of getting in with my HS GPA but I am hoping to excel in community college and have a better chance. I am hoping to maintain a GPA of 3.5 or better. Also I have started my own foundation and work a full time job. Now since the school year has just started, I am hoping to join in clubs and be involved in college just like in high school. Another thing is that I am volunteering at a hospital and a church on my free time. Any tips? I am just really nervous and need another chance. </p>

<p>Another question I have is Do I have to send my High School Transcripts and SAT scores? I was reading on the UM page and they said I wouldn't have to send my HS transcripts or scores if I completed 30 credits or more. Should I complete 30 credits so my chances aren't lowered? I would mind taking a ACT classes and in hope to do well. Sorry for the surplus amount of questions. I am just confused with everything.</p>