Need Help ASAP!.. my..

my friend is sweating so bad. he i s going to a private college.(WONT MENTION NAME). he kind of failed his AP chem class. in our school you need a D to pass a course .will that college rescind his admission. his stats are as follow( 1st quart to fourth and then final)</p>

<p>AP chem D E F E (E)
Business C B B B (B)
English A A B C (B)
GYM Pass
Adv Stat C C E E (C or d)
IT CLass A A B C (B)</p>

<p>Please help him. he is so desperate . that something bad might happen</p>

<p>thanks for your help</p>

<p>We cannot "help" him - his grades are what his grades are. He needs to talk to the private college and tell them that he got an E (which I assume is failing in your school) in AP Chem and a C or D in Adv Stats, and throw himself on their mercy.</p>

<p>i cant help "him" (i.e you).</p>

<p>lol. it is not me.. i am not that retarded that i would **** up my senior year. btw i was just wondering tht he got accepted with C's , D's and E"s. he should not have that much problem. he is also doing a summer program at the college. should he jus write a letter or call his counselor</p>


<p>SChools give out E's? whoa.....</p>

<p>No one can tell without knowing more, and the college (but you didn't give the name, so I assume that you don't want to, which is fine).</p>

<p>But his grades slipped horribly. He is failing one of his classes. In another, the second semester he slipped into a failing grade and was only saved by his first semester. In two others, he slipped by two letter grades. That's kind of pushing it.</p>

<p>I'm just curious why one would even consider taking AP Chem if not confident of AT LEAST a B- or higher...</p>

<p>What is an E?</p>

<p>E</a> - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p>

<p>Thanks for explaining it bigp lol.</p>

<p>Depends on the college. Unless he was accepted early, it seems to me the college was aware that he was in dire straits with that chem when they got his mid year grades. The addition of another below par course, Stats, at year end could be a big problem. He may need to talk to the adcoms at his school. They may put him on probation, request he take a summer course, or defer a term or year. And yes, he could be rescinded.</p>



<p>i lol'd. congrats on middlebury by the way....</p>

<p>oh wow. he is dead. his uw GPA when he applied was 3.70 .. he had some problems this year. he had two deaths in family and his family struggled financially. we r best friend but i dunno how to tell him all this. he already gone through so much bad luck..</p>

<p>also on our final transcript there are only final letter</p>

<p>If had two deaths, isn't there something his college counselor could do?? Write a letter, or something? If he struggled as much as you say he did, I think it would be rather heartless for the college to rescind him.</p>

<p>anything traumatic could explain it. I doubt the colleges will do anything more than recommend academic probation or summer classes</p>

<p>if the grade drop was resultant of terrible senioritis and nothing else, yes it would be grounds for a college acceptance being rescinded. But with deaths in the family, that is definitely a justifiable reason for grades dropping. Have your friend either get the counselor to write a letter about his situation, or have him call in or write about what happened to give to the college in question. It would be highly unlikely to get rescinded if he explained his circumstances.</p>

<p>That changes everything. If there have been other circumstances that could justify the drop, then he probably won't get rescinded as long as he gets a note to colleges explaining why. The extra info changes EVERYTHING. I thought it was senioritis, until you explained what it actually was. Make sure that adcoms have all the info.</p>