Need Help ASAP. Need to know in 24 hours. Audit a summer school class with a B

<p>So, I took a basically mandatory summer school class for AP Chemistry. We just did the first 6 chapters of the AP book, and we start on the 7th during the year. On the transcript the class will be called Chem 1/2 for the summer. Anyways 2/3 of the class got As 1/3 got Bs, 2 got Cs. I got a B and he gave us the option of either keeping our grade or auditing the class and not getting credit for the class, but also not getting a grade.</p>

<p>I’m looking at middle UCs.
I have about a 3.5 GPA.
I can still take AP Chem during the year if I audit.</p>

<p>So should I:</p>

<p>A. Keep the B and get the credit and have about a 3.47 GPA.</p>


<p>B. Audit the class and not get the B or credit and have a 3.5 GPA. I wouldn’t feel bad for wasting hours because there is a test the first day of school on all the summer material.</p>

<p>I need to know in 24 hours, what would be the best bet for me?</p>

<p>What’s better? Especially for the UC system.</p>


<p>if you choose the 'B' route, can you list the class as AP on the UC app? If so, it'll qualify for a bonus point. Even if you are maxed out on bonus points, it would still show admissions that you challenged yourself with an AP summer course.</p>

<p>However, I don't think it will matter much, one way or another. I'd probably post the B to show that you were engaged and completed the work (and weren't just hanging out at the beach all summer).</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>If the class listed on your transcript is on the UC's a-g list of approved AP/Honors classes, I would leave it on there. (That is, it is equivalent to at least a semester class, since to my knowledge, all the classes on that list are at least worth one semester worth of credit) Your UC GPA is an important criteria Mid-Tier UC's in terms of the amount of points awarded on your admissions.</p>

<p>This reminds me of people taking Calculus AB one year and then BC the next.</p>

<p>thanks everyone. well its listed under uc gpa as chem 1/2, but for no ap or honors, i think i will audit it. can i have some more input?</p>