<p>Hey Everyone. I am currently deciding between two schools (Ohio State and Virginia Tech) and I am in a huge dilemma. I just don’t know what school to choose. Can you please help me!</p>
<p>If I go to Virginia Tech then my parents will pay for all of it. I will only be majoring in Biology and like over 10% of my senior class will be going there.</p>
<p>If I go to Ohio State then I will have to take out student loans (which I don’t know much about but I think it is worth it). I will be majoring in Biomedical Engineering and will be part of the Health Sciences Scholars Program. It is a change from where I am now and that’s what I want. Having a medical school right next to my dorm is also a big plus for possible internships and volunteer opportunities. </p>
<p>Also Ohio State is my decision, Tech is my parents. I just loved Ohio State when I visited!</p>
<p>I just don’t know what to do! Any help or information about student loans would be great.</p>
<p>Well UVACavs44,
Tech isn’t your first choice, it’s your parents, you may grow to love it there, but you might not love it at first. If you really like Ohio State, I think you should go. Student loans are gonna be worth it haha. Being in the Health Sciences Scholars program is really good too. I think it’ll be good especially for med school
Internships will definitely be a huge plus and it will probably be easier to get with the hospital right there, which is awesome </p>
<p>I think your parents just want you to stay at Tech cus you’re their kid and they don’t wanna see you go somewhere far away. You just gotta convince them that you need to grow up at some point, you know? but 10% of your senior class going there isn’t a big deal, you probably won’t see them anyway
<p>I’m looking up student loans right now, I’ll get back to you :D</p>
<p>I have family members that have gone to each of these schools, and they are all doing very well. Either school will get you a great education and will take you where you want to go.</p>
<p>About student loans, if you’re taking out the standard $5000 per year, then they won’t be a big deal (can actually help you build your credit score which is a plus). If you’re planning on med school, you may want to save the money, but honestly it’ll be nothing compared with those loans so proportionally it’s not that high.</p>
<p>I say go with where you love, not where your parents want. It’s your decision and you should go where you’ll be happy, even if it means some loans. Heck, I’m turning down Duke to go to The Ohio State University because I love it. Do what your gut tells you. O-H!</p>