Need help choosing a college/ Chance thread

<p>Chance Me?
ACT: 32 (math section was 35)
Sat II : Math2c: 740 Bio:710 US History: 790
Unweighted GPA : 3.843 Weighted (5 scale): 5.42
AP's: Bio 5, Comp Sci 5, Chem 5, US History 5, EU History 4
Course Load: most rigorous, always filled schedule with only honors and aps, taking all the available aps right now
Ranking: Top 10 percent (the only ranking my school has)</p>

I started my own DJ enterprise, legitamite business, have done barmitzvahs, fundraisers, sweet sixteens everything, have two hired people under me</p>

<p>Model UN 10 and 11 grade</p>

<p>Boxing since 11 Grade</p>

<p>Student Government for all of highschool, currently president of my school</p>

<p>last summer did immersion program in spain to learn language, culture, and an optional leadership program</p>

<p>Work Experience:
Self Employed
Worked at my parents company every summer for a month, 40 hours a week doing sales and interning with accounting</p>

Rensselaer Medal: for outstanding achievement in math and science
a few honor roll awards and awards for outstanding work</p>

<p>I am American born, but a full Israeli family, i speak hebrew at home, am trilingual (italian, hebrew, english)</p>

<p>Applying RD</p>

<p>I really want to go into business, so I was thinking Applying to CAS as an ecenomics major, then dual in comp sci,
and as a second choice college ILR looks really cool,
but then, Hotel and AEM look amazing, but it seems as though it would be really tough to get into</p>

<p>all help is appreciated, thanks guys</p>

<p>shameful bump</p>

<p>im pretty sure that ILR is the school for busniess and arts and sciences and CALS is more of a science/math school</p>

<p>No Yankee you have it wrong. ILR is more the people side of biz. Most graduates go either to law school (and become labor lawyers) or go into Human Rescources. PAM at human ecology is more of a policy based programs but good for niches like health care management. AEM in CALS is Cornells true undergrad biz programs and is ranked the third best in the country. You could also do economics in arts and scie. Really you have tons of options. Just make sure you research each one because the contracts in particular (ilr and human ec) are very very fit based and will reject if you dont fit the profile.</p>

<p>hope dat helps,

<p>Im gonna want to get an MBA regardless of my major,
any tips on what looks like a good fit for me?</p>

<p>Probably just apply to AEM first choice and Economics in ART/SCI second. I think that fits you best as you dont have any labor/policy/hospitality experience really to warrant the other programs.</p>

<p>o, damn, i forgot
my SAT 1’s are
m780 v780 and w770
does that help?
isnt the AEM extraordinarily selective and works by region? coming from NY that could be bad yeh?</p>

<p>Well it means half tuition for ya which is great. I think you have an awesome shot based on your sats (probably wouldve been a lock ed lol).</p>