Need help choosing your courses?

<p>sorry for the rudeness and to go off topic </p>

<p>How do i post a thread ? asking a question that i have ? .... this is probably a very stupid question but i am too blind to see</p>

<p>On my bed, couch, and in my arms (pink). </p>

<p>Well go back to the UCLA forum and it's in the upper-right hand corner.</p>

<p>I've decided to go to medical school. Where can I find info on what classes I should take? Maybe I should switch my major too.</p>

<p>Left hand panel of Career Center website.</p>

<p>Yellowsnow: Go back to the first page of this forum where all the questions are listed. At the bottom left hand corner is a little box that says New Thread. That's where you insert a new question. The question is the title to the thread and then you have a space to elaborate.</p>

<p>I'm confused on the Writing II courses and requirements. We can either take a Writing II class and a seminar or a GE Foundation Area Writing II course and a Writing II class?</p>

<p>I'm planning on taking over the world...which classes will help me accomplish my goal?</p>

<p>glasseyes: yes. you can take one writing II and a seminar, or you can take two writing IIs.</p>

<p>or, you can take a cluster, in which case the spring quarter counts as both a writing II AND a seminar, so you'd be all done.</p>

<p>wow, this is a very very useful thread. Thanks, mme-lin. Quite informational, specially for someone like me who couldn't go to the orientation. </p>

<p>I have couple of things I need to know before enrolling Monday morning. </p>

<p>I'm a transfer student majoring in Biology B.S., although I'm thinking about switching to Biochem. Not sure yet. </p>

<p>So, I was under the impression that we come to the UC with completion of Lower division classes. I found out that I was sort of four lower division classes. Is that normal? Using, and comparing my classes from my JC to UCLA
I seem to be missing: </p>

<p>Lifesci 3
Lifesci 4
Stats 13 and
Physics 6C
for Biology major</p>

<p>and all of the above + Math 32A for Biochem major. </p>

<p>So, dear all the biology and biochem major members, am I completely off here? No use of after you transfer? </p>

<p>If i'm right, should I try and finish these lower div classes and then focus on upper div, or should I mix them? </p>

<p>If I should finish the lower div, and by luck, if non of the class time overlap and I find it doable, is it a good idea to take those first four classes or am I just flattering myself? </p>

<p>jfyi, I do intend to have some social life. </p>

<p>Also, any suggestion I can get for upper division classes will be very much what should I pair the classes with. </p>

<p>Sorry, for so many questions..and all vague ones.</p>

<p>Well, a lot of upperdiv biology and biochem courses require or recommend LS 3 and LS4, such as Chem 153(Biochem)</p>

<p>LS 3 and LS 4
Yeah, I see Chemistry 153A and 153L listed for upper div of Biology, and many more biochem classes for biochem major.</p>

<p>On the Schedule of Classes site under the course info, when there are two foundations of GE's covered, do we choose which foundation area we want the course to cover? </p>

<p>For example: Ling 1 falls under</p>

<p>Foundation Categories: Arts and Humanities-Philosophical and Linguistic Analysis, Scientific Inquiry-Life Sciences</p>

<p>you don't exactly choose, per se. all you do is take ling 1, and then keep in mind that you need another class to fulfill both GEs. let's say you pick a class that covers the life science GE, then ling 1 will be counted as linguistic.</p>

<p>ursa is supposed to do this automatically, but it's up to you to make sure that classes record correctly.</p>

<p>ahh I see. Thanks for the help liyana!</p>

<p>Surprising that she can help much at all! :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Threads like this one made me feel like a pro when I got to orientation. I was an expert without even having stepped into a classroom at UCLA. Thank you continuing students! :)</p>

<p>gee thanks emm.</p>

<p>love you too!</p>

<p>she hates you...everyone hates you around here with your optimistic view of college life and ****</p>

<p> sucks that much?</p>

<p>I was looking at the schedule of classes for SE A ST 1 INTRO-SE ASIAN STDS. When a discussion time is TBA, when do they usually post up the times?</p>