Need help deciding! Emerson College vs. UNC-Chapel Hill

<p>I am having trouble deciding between Emerson College and UNC Chapel Hill. I want to do journalism, but I can't figure out which school would be better for me. Could I have some unbiased opinions on which school has a better journalism department? Also, any information on the Berkley Beacon would be great -- I already know The Daily Tar Heel is a phenomenal paper, but I really know nothing about Emerson's.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>I visited Emerson a little while ago and it is a very different atmosphere than UNC’s. Emerson’s campus is one square block in Boston, over looking the very beautiful Boston Common. UNC is a lot bigger than Emerson and has more of a ‘college feel’. However, Emerson’s alumni and opportunities are impressive with a program for JUnior and Seniors to study in Los Angeles in their new center. I dont know about UNC stats.</p>

<p>UNC chapel hill’s journalism program is considered among the best in the nation. However, UNC chapel hill is much harder to get into if you don’t live in North Carolina. Personally, I don’t really know much about Emerson College. My advice to you would be going on to both of the schools’ websites or possibly visiting the schools if you can to see which one suits you best.</p>