Need help deciding please!

<p>Hi, I'm having a little trouble deciding between nursing schools at the moment, and I'd really appreciate some advice! Recently I got into Drexel, Northeastern, Pitt, and am currently waitlisted at Penn. </p>

<p>Right now, I am particularly attached to Northeastern, and they are also giving me $14,000 per year with honors program. I've heard I could graduate from there with lots of experience because of co-op (possibly even 3 jobs!) so I am really considering it. Could anyone provide feedback or more information about the nursing program there? </p>

<p>Also, out of the three nursing programs I was accepted to which one would you pick and why? Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>Pitt and Penn are the best two nursing programs that you’ve listed. I would still wait for a spot to open at Penn (it is an amazing school), but if no place is available then I would take the spot at Pitt. </p>

<p>For me, Northeastern’s 5 year program seems unattractive, and having visited Drexel I have the same problem with Drexel’s campus (which is ugly).</p>

<p>If you want to work in Boston, Northeastern has a very good reputation.</p>

<p>I mentioned it before, but I really think that where you want to work may play in to the decision.</p>

<p>Penn would be the choice, without question…Pitt would be #2…I think the co-op programs of Northeastern and Drexel do provide better(faster) opportunities for employment after graduation then non-co-op programs,as you are a known entity to those you co-op’d at…That said, if you don’t plan on staying in Boston area/Philly area, the co-ops may not be to your advantage as much…Best of luck, you have some solid choices…</p>

<p>Thanks for all of your replies! Right now, I would love to go to Penn as I am a huge fan of their nursing program. But first choice aside, would any of you say that a nursing degree from Northeastern might be looked down on in any way if I were to choose not to work in Philly/Boston? Or if I were to apply to Penn for grad school in the future?</p>


I’ll venture an opinion on this part of your post. I think the determining factors for getting into Penn Nursing Grad school will be:
Penn undergrads will have an advantage
Your college GPA (at whichever college you attend)
Your GRE score
Your nursing experience (if required for your grad program)</p>

<p>Good luck getting into Penn…it is a great program. Of the other schools on your list I’d select Pitt…and my daughter might. That said…if you “feel” a connection with NE…go for it. It is a good program and how comfortable you are with where you spend the next four years of your life is important…IMHO.</p>

<p>It would be interesting to know which undergrad programs Penn nursing grad students attended. I would agree, the majority attended Penn. How about the others? Penn certainly encourages further degrees after the BSN.</p>