Need help deciding University of Miami. Need good and bad

Crunch time, need to make a decision. Visited school, and it’s very nice. However due to its size I think it’s look can be tiring after 4 years. My impression was that the students had a lot of money and can be pretentious. The academics look strong, and class size is ideal. Need to know good and bad

I would suggest you take a little time and do some due diligence. You will find a lot of previous threads on similar topics. That being said, some things are personal taste. If you would be tired of going to school in a resort type of setting with a major city close by, then it might not be the best fit for you. Lots of good - in my opinion, one of the biggest bad is the dorms. However, that is being corrected right now, and will soon turn into a plus. Best of luck in your decision.

^ What are your other choices? What was your top choice when deciding?