Need help deciding where to go

<p>Hello guys,
For starters, I would like to major in mechanical engineering. A Bachelors of Science is my goal with a strong possibility to master. I have received my acceptance letters and I am having a difficult time deciding were to go as I hope to start a career after college. UC Irvine (UCI) is my favorite choice but I was not admitted. I have been accepted to Cal Poly Pomona, UC Riverside (UCR), UC Merced. Most of these colleges are within the Southern California region except for Merced (I was e-mailed and told I could apply for free so I did).</p>

<p>As far as I know, UCI is close by, its in a good neighborhood, it has a campus life thats suits me, and a good engineering program. I have been researching UCR and have been receiving mixed reviews. Riverside has a higher acceptance rate the most UCs and I have been under the impression a few students who attend UCR don’t give it their all. Both Riverside and Cal Poly Pomona are in less desirable areas but are somewhat decent schools.</p>

<p>Now for my questions

  1. How does Cal Poly Pomona compare to the UCs in engineering? Similar or more difficult in finding a job?
  2. How far off is UCR from UCI in quality/prestige
  3. What would be my best option between Cal Poly Pomona, UCR, or a Jc transfer to UCI
  4. Are there any downsides/back fires that can arise from a JC transfer? (I know it might take longer to get a bachelors.)</p>

<p>I apologize in advance for any errors/mistakes as i am new to CC</p>

<p>Any advice will be greatly appreciated, thanks</p>

<p>What are your stats? Maybe you should consider appealing your UCI decision.</p>