Need help finding schools

<p>Hi. I'm just interested in schools that other people think would be a good fit. I'm interested in an Accounting Major. I want to stay in the area (PA, MD, VA, WV, DE). I'm currently looking at VT, JMU, and William and Mary.</p>

<p>Female from Maryland
4.00 GPA unweighted
4.59 GPA weighted</p>

Composite 33
English 34
Math 33
Reading 34
Science 29
Combined English/Writing 31</p>

<p>I took the SATs but didn't do nearly as well.</p>

<p>NHS - 2 years
Indoor/Outdoor Track - 4 years, plus three varsity letters
Field Hockey - 4 years, plus two varsity letters
FBLA - 2 years, treasurer senior year
Air Force Academy Summer Leadership Seminar</p>

<p>Have a few volunteer hours at the local Community Foundation (raises money and manages funds for local community projects), NHS related projects, coaching at a field hockey camp and league, and a volunteer job at a local store that turned into a job. </p>

<p>Had a job at Best Buy Geek Squad and the local store.</p>

<p>I've taken Calc AB and received a 5.
I plan on taking AP:
Physics B
English Lang&Comp

<p>Additional information can be provided if I forgot something. Any input is appreciated. Thank you very much for your time.</p>

<p>Villanova University</p>

<p>Bucknell University, Drexel University, Duquesne University, Georgetown University, James Madison University, Lehigh University, Pennsylvania State University, Temple University and the University Of Pennsylvania have the best accounting programs in the states you want to go to.</p>

<p>University of Virgina Cavilers
University of Pennsylvania Quakers<br>
Washington and Lee University Generals
Davidson College Wildcats</p>

<p>I’d highly suggest James Madison University, the accounting programs there are amazing!</p>

<p>Penn, Johns Hopkins, Gtown, UMD, UVA, UDel…</p>

<p>Thank you so much!</p>