Need help for Final Thesis!

<p>Hi, </p>

<p>my name is Andr</p>

<p>by the way... it s urgent ;) time remaing is about a few days so hang in there! Thanks</p>

<p>I nearly did it.... 16 people left... Make me get it finished! THANK YOU</p>

<p>... still 12 people left! Don't be shy ;)</p>

<p>lotsa stuff about coupons eh?</p>

<p>Yepp ;) But do you have to know that in Germany we can use Coupons as a promotional tool just since 5 years. Befor we had a restriction by law which has fixed that price reductions wasn't allowed to be more than 3% of the shelf price. Only twice a year or if the retailer has got a special permit (maybe because his enterprise has 25th anniversery) there has been sales with more than 3%... Still need 10 people... So if you know somebody ;)</p>

<p>... The link to my survey will automatically be blocked if the needed number is reached. I still need 7 people more. So please try it. Thank you</p>