Need help for my future admission

<p>Hi, I am currently a Junior.
I was wondering what I should do before senior year to improve my chance to get in the colleges I want...</p>

<p>Age: 17
Race: Asian (immigrated to the U.S. in December 2006)
Residence: CA</p>

<p>So far (including 1st semester of Junior year):
GPA (9th-11): 3.91
WGPA (9-11): 4.16</p>

<p>GPA (10-11): 3.90
WGPA (10-11): 4.3</p>

<p>Class Rank: 29/430
EC: Tennis(9th,10th; 11 season not yet started), Cross-country (9th), 50+hrs of volunteering at homeless food center, NHS, some school clubs
SAT: - (Not taken but practice exam score is around ~2000; taking it on March)
ACT: (not planning to take it)</p>


<p>I know that I do not have brilliant records and that's why I was wondering what I should do from now on to improve my chance of getting into schools such as UC Berkley, UCLA, UCSD, Stanford, Columbia, MIT, CIT, and so on...</p>

<p>I do realize that I need much more extra curricular activities. So, I am planning on taking a college program or internship or job this summer. What would you guys recommend?</p>

<p>Any suggestions and tips would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance...</p>

<p>Consider participating in research of some kind. I know that both Duke and the University of Pennsylvania have summer camps for high school students, but there are also often opportunities in your community. MIT and the others look favorably upon pre-college research experience. But MIT and Stanford are reaches for anyone. Be sure to add some schools to your list that are more manageable. I’m assuming you’re looking into engineering of some kind? Consider schools like the University of Michigan, Georgia Institute of Technology, Rochester Institute of Technology, or Purdue. They are excellent institutions with respected reputations in the industry.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice…
As you said I should look into some other schools as well</p>

<p>your gpa looks great, and you have a great start on your EC’s; try to study really hard for the SATs to get the best score you can, and try for some leadership positions in the EC’s you’re already participating in. you already seem like a competitive applicant for a lot of these schools, but leadership positions are really important as are SATs scores, so i think those are the two things you should focus on. good luck! :)</p>